38: Why?

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Danny's point of view
Continued for the previous chapter
I lean in again kissing Steve, just hoping this isn't another one of my dreams I have been having. "Danny, I missed you so much." He said kissing the back of my hand again. "Can.. can you just hold me for awhile?" He slowly puts his arms around me, and I slowly lean into the embrace. Hopping his arms won't vanish around me again, like they have in my past dreams. "I missed you so much Steven. I just can't believe, you are actually still alive." I felt him kiss the top of my head, like he used to before everything got so messed up. "I honestly have no clue how the kids will react to this, we all missed you." I heard him whisper above me. "I'm never leaving again." That filled me with a warm feeling of having the man I love back.

A few hours later
Steve's point of view
"Joe, why the hell didn't you tell them? That's my family, those are my kids, and he is my husband. What made you think you should keep that information from them?" I say talking quietly so Danny doesn't hear us talking in the next room. "It was something I decided was best for the team." Best for the team? "What the hell do you mean? Why would my family knowing I'm alive harm the team, it effected them. I don't know if you noticed, their life has nothing to do with that stupid team. And now neither does mine, Joe I'm done. No more missions for me, I can't just leave my family again." I just can't believe he actually let them believe I was dead. "Steve, listen to me. This is just a phase you are going through, you will be over with this whole Danny business soon anyways. Pretty soon you will be back to trying to be with Catherine, and this will be some terrible mistake you made." I have a quick look into the other room to make sure Danny is still in there relaxing, because I might lose my shit here soon. "Some terrible mistake? Are you kidding me? This is not just a phase, I have been with him for almost 5 years. Chasing Catherine was a phase compared to this. So let me try and see if I understood correctly, you don't agree with me being married to Danny?" He just shook his head. "It's not a real marriage, and besides how could sex with him even be good?" Whoa... did he really just ask that. "Okay, Joe first it is a real marriage. It was done with all legal paper. Second, you have no right to ask about that stuff. Why does that even matter to you? If I choose to sleep with the person I'm married to, then it's really none of your concern. You know what, I really just don't want to finish this conversation. The more you talk, the more I start to really hate you." I leave the room, and go sit down on the couch next to Danny. I kiss his forehead before I sit down. "What time are the kids gonna be here?" He turned and smiled at me. "Are you getting nervous?" He asks smiling at me. "I guess I am. You know what if they are mad at me for just leaving them?" He shook his head. "No, you didn't just leave. You had to leave, and besides they will probably be so happy to see you they won't question why you left." I nod my head. "I think they should be here in the next half hour." I nod my head. I wrap my arm around him, and he leans into it. "I love you." I say before kissing his forehead.

Half an hour later
They just pulled into the driveway, and I'm so nervous. What if they are mad that I just left? I know I didn't just leave, but they might think that. Aw and poor Skyler will probably think I don't love her because I just left her. I messed up... I messed up so bad by leaving. "Will you stop being so nervous? They are your kids and they love you. They always go on and on about how they wish you would just come home." I nod my head. "I can try, but I'm making no promises." I smile down at him. That when I heard the front door swing open. "Danno?" I heard Grace calling when she walked in, and then she walked around the corner and seen me. And she just sank to the ground crying. I walk over and kneel down next to her, and wrap my arms around her. "I missed you so much Gracie. I'm so sorry." I said before kissing the top of her head. She finally wrapped her arms around me, and we both stood back up. I heard more little footsteps coming into the house. She walk over to the couch and sits down. I was still focused on Grace when I heard two little kids yell. "Daddy." I turn around to be slammed into by two little kids. Skyler was the first of them to say anything. "I always knew you would come home. I missed you so much." I kiss the top her head, and Charlie's. "I missed you both so much." I pull them back into another hug. "Your gonna make Danno so happy again?" Charlie asked me. I kiss the top of his head, again and nod my head. "Yeah, Buddy. I'm gonna make Danno the most happy he could be." They both went back and hug Danno, and in cane little Westley. Walking all by himself. "Daddy!" I bent down and picked him up. "Hi, little man. I missed you." He kissed my cheek. "I luv yoo daddy." I looked back at Danno. "Did you hear that? He said he loves me. He can talk now, and you didn't say anything." He just shrugged his shoulders. "You didn't ask." I smile at him, I honestly missed his New Jersey humor. I'm so happy to be home with my kids, and my husband. There is nowhere I would rather be, than right here with them.

The next morning
"Okay, I guess the kids, and us will head home today. Thanks again Booth for allowing them to stay with you, I really appreciate it." He nodded his head. It was no problem, just don't go really dying on me. Bones would be very upset if you missed our wedding." I smile at him, and he pulled me into a hug. That's definitely not like him. "It's really good to have you back, alive and well. I just wish we knew you were alive these past 7 months." I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, I wish you guys all knew."

That night
We just pulled into the driveway, and the house looks just as I remember it. I open the car door and let the kids out, as Danny walks to open the front door. "Thanks Danny leaving me to get the bags." I yell to him from the trunk of the car. He just turns around, and smiles at me. I love him.

1 hour later
Finally the kids are in bed, asleep I think. They were up so late tonight, I'm just getting in bed at 1:23am. I walk into my room for the first time, in so long. Everything is right where I left it, my bathing suit is still on the bathroom doorknob. My pillows are just how I set them up, and all my draws are full of my folded clothes. I just stood in amazement, it was like going back to that last morning. Only we all knew months had past, and everything else changed. I was still standing there dumbfounded, when Danny walks in. "I hadn't gotten to move your things yet. I just couldn't bring myself to touch any of your things yet." I could hear the sadness in his voice as he stated that. I walk over to him, and pull him into a hug. He buries his face in my chest like he used to. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to him. I felt my shirt getting wet. We just stood like that for the next 20 minutes.

Getting into bed
I take off my shirt and get ready to get into bed when I notice Danny staring at me. He sits up on the bed, so he's right in front of me. And places his hand on the scar, from the bullet everyone thought that had killed me. I really did get shot, it wasn't fake. I lean down a little and kiss the top of his head. I grab his hand off my chest, and kiss the back of it. I sit down on my side of the bed, and he moves back to his side of the bed. I pull him into my side once we both get laid down. "Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell us?" I knew this question would be asked sooner or later. "I left because, I was told my team needed me. I wouldn't of left if I knew Joe told you I just died. I waited at the hospital for 2 days, and finally Joe said he told you, and you said "you didn't want to see me. It would be to hard to say goodbye." I just thought you knew, I thought you knew I would be back in a few months. And the longer I was gone, I realized Joe hadn't told you, and finally I left." I felt him nod his head against my side. "I heard your conversation you, and Joe had in the kitchen the other day." I nod my head, and sighed. "I'm sorry you heard all that. But I do love you, I couldn't just move on after tall this. I care about you, and the kids so much. You guys are the only thing I live for, I realized that when I was away. If it wasn't for you, and the kids I wouldn't have anyone. I wouldn't be happy, that time I spent away made me realize you are the only reason I do want I do. The things I do, I'd to better you and the kids." He smiled up at me. "I love you so much." I lean down and kiss him. "Hold me tighter please." I heard him whisper like he wanted me to hear, but at the same time he didn't.

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