52: welcome home

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That day
I groaned as I notice a bright light, like a hospital light. I head mumbling above me, and I felt someone holding my hand. What the hell happened? I thought I just laid down for a nap a few minutes ago, at home. My throat feels so dry, and like I haven't talked in forever. I slowly opened my eyes, and noticed Danny sitting beside me holding my hand. "What happened?" I asked as I had my eyes half opened. Danny let my hand go, before grabbing me a glass off water, and holding it to my lips for me.

After a few minutes of me drinking the water, and dead silence Danny broke the silence. "I'm so glad you're okay, I'm so sorry." Danny said as he set the empty glass down, and laid his head on my chest and he hugged me. I was so shocked this was happening, but I was so happy to have him in my arms. "What happened?" I asked again, because I was ignored the first time. "You don't remember?" Danny asked as he looked up at me. I shook my head. Finally my eyes adjusted to the light, and I noticed some blurry figure behind him. "Junior, could you go get a doctor?" Danny asked back to the figure, before he looked back at me.

"You just don't remember, everything else is fine?" He asked, before I nodded my head. "What don't I remember?" I asked, before he kissed my forehead. I looked down at his hand, still trying to understand what's happening. Just a second ago we were friends, and now I'm in the hospital with him being all loving. When I saw his hand, it had a ring matching the one on my hand. I pulled him into a hug, and I felt him wrap his arms around me. "I love you." I said to him, as I pulled out of the hug.

Following it immediately with a kiss, and it felt so nice to be out of that dream. After we pulled apart he stood up next to my bed, so the doctor could check everything. "Alright, Steve any pain anywhere?" I shook my head. "No, um.. just my Ankle a little. Maybe a tiny bit in my hand." He smiled at me. "Yeah, That was expected your ankle is fractured, and your hand has a slight hairline fracture. And you are having some memories issues I heard?" I nodded my head.

"I remember everything, but I have no clue what happened." The doctor nodded his head, and continued to check my monitor. "Well, you were hit by a car. But you should be good as new in a few weeks, and you should be ready to leave by tonight. Does that sound okay?" I nodded my head. "Alright, well I'll get the papers all set. And you can leave after that, if there are any problems later just come back up and see me. Okay?" I nodded my head, as he started walking out.

I looked over to Danny. "I got hit by a car?" He nodded his head. "Yeah" Well, how did that happen? "Who hit me?" He sighed before sitting on my bed facing me. "Well, I did technically. I'm so sorry, and I tried stopping.... an.. and." He stopped talking as his eyes filled with tears threading to spill. I pulled him into another hug, and gently rubbed his back. "It's okay. Just breath, Okay?" He nodded his head as we pulled out of the hug. I reached out, and wiped the few tears sliding down his face.

"I'm sorry I asked, I'll remember it sooner or later. Alright, just come here." I said as I pulled him back into my chest.
[Ps— I'm gonna explain this right now, the past chapter was his dream he was having while he was unconscious from being hit by a car. He is still with Danny, and this was him waking up. I know that sometimes when you go unconscious you will have a dream/dreams of basically your worst nightmares. I learned that from my own personal experience a few months ago, I got into a really bad car accident. I don't know if this happens to everyone, but it happened to me so I'm just using it in the story.]

A few days later
I was sitting on the couch, and watching the twins play. Grace is sitting over in the chair doing homework. Danny is in the kitchen cleaning, and watching the 3 little ones outside. Skyler, Charlie, and Westley were in the backyard playing. Joe came over, so they all went outside to play whatever game they decided on. I'm guessing they are having fun, I don't really move too much, because it just makes my body ache. I feel so helpless, because I can't even pick up the kids. With my hand being fractured it hurts to lift anything with it, and with my ankle being fractured I can't do too much walking.

"Hey, Grace could you watch these two? I'm gonna go lay down, my body is really starting to hurt." She nodded her head. "Yeah, no problem." I stood up, Yes I did use my crutch to keep weight off my ankle. I made it over to the bottom of the stairs, before I had to stop. My whole body was just aching, and my ankle is starting to bother me, because I was supposed to take my pain pill. I just forgot to, and I hate to bother Danny with this stuff.

I just sat down on the bottom step, I just needed to sit down. "Danno, dad needs some help." I heard Grace yell into Danny, as she was holding Hyde. I sighed, finally realizing I need some help. I saw Danny walk in, and crouch down so we were face to face. "Steven, did you want some help going upstairs?" I nodded my head, finally giving in. He put his hand out to help me stand back up.

Once I was up, he placed his arm under mine to help support me. "Thanks Danny." He nodded his head, as we walked upstairs. Right as we made it to the top, he yelled down to Grace. "Gracie, could you keep an eye on the twins? I'm gonna lay down up here with him, and get him all taken care of really quick. If you need anything, yell for me, or Joe, he is outside with the other three." She nodded her head, as she came to stand at the first landing to make sure we didn't need any help. "I got it, Danno. Don't worry about it." We walked slowly towards our room.

"Steve, on a scale of 1-10?" I sigh now it's well above half way. I winced a little as he helped me sit down on the bed. "It's probably about an 8, maybe 9." He nodded his head, as he leaned my pillows up a bit. That way I could sit up, instead of laying completely down. "Alright, when did you take your pain medication last?" I have no clue. "What time is it?" He looked down at his watch on wrist. "Almost 10 after 5." I nodded my head. "Well, probably 10 this morning." He sighed as he walked over to the dresser, where he had all my pills.

"Steve, you are supposed to take that every 4 hours. That means you should of taken them again at 2, and agin in an hour." I nodded my head. "I know, I'm sorry I just can't get the bottle open. With this big cast on my hand, I just can't open anything." He shook his head, as he walked over to me with two different pills. "You can ask me for help, when you need it. I don't mind helping you, now here take these two." He said as he handed me those pills, and a bottle of water. I sit there for a few seconds trying to open the bottle, but tragically it's an old fail. He smiled down at me, as he reached for the bottle as I handed it to him. "Thanks Danny." I said as he passed me back the now open bottle.

A few hours later
Danny, and I are just laying in bed, and he's all cuddled up to me like normal. We are talking like we do every night, before we go to bed. We have been talking about nonsense stuff, and other random topics. Randomly we laugh at the topics, they become more funny the more tired we get. It's just very comforting, and nice to know we are still in love after this time of being together. Most of the miserable people who are married can't stand talking to who they are married to. Us on the other hand, we could talk all day about random topics, or sometimes nothing at all. It's just nice to be around him, and feel so loved. "You know, I love you. Although I did totally run you over with a car." He said smiling up at me, we have started to make a joke about this. He feels bad still, but making a joke of it makes it easier on him, and I to deal with it. "Yeah, I love you too." I said smiling down at him, as his head rested on my chest.

The next day
"Awe, look how cute this is." Danny said as he was looking at me hold Hyde who was asleep, with Skyler and Charlie on each side of me cuddled up to me asleep. "Yeah, they seemed tired when they sat down. I guess they were." I said as I looked down at them all sleeping against me. "Awe, you're just a big softy. But that's what I love about you." He said before kissing my check, and smiling at me. "I'm not a big softy, I just... Well, okay maybe I am a little bit of a softy. And you did this to me." He nodded his head.

"I know, I did this to you. I love you, a lot." He said as he stared at me, and the kids. "I love you too, Danno." He leaned down, and pulled me into a quick kiss. "Well, I think Joe said your mom was coming to visit tonight. But who knows with her, and my mom is coming down tomorrow. It was the earliest flight she could get, when she heard about this." I nodded my head. "Okay, well if my mom shows up okay, if not okay. I mean it wouldn't be the first time she hasn't been there for me." He gave me a kind of odd look. "Steve, are you okay?" I never say anything bad about her, even though I should. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just so tired of her not being there, it makes me feel unimportant. That's why I have you, and the kids. You guys make me feel so important, and lucky to have all of you." I said looking up at him, as he smiled at me. "See you are one big softy. And I love you." I nodded my head, as he leaned back down to kiss me.

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