71: Cash

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It's been a hot minutes, don't hate me lol. I've had had some writers block, but I managed to come up with this. I hope you guys enjoy, please vote.
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Thank you- H

At the palace
Steve's point of view
I glanced up from my computer as I heard a knock at the door, I saw an HPD officer standing at the door. I just waved him in, as he was standing with Cash. "Sorry to bother you commander, but he said he had a meeting with you. He wouldn't remove his weapons, but he insisted he knows you." I just nodded, as Cash pulled himself loose from the cop's grasp.

"Yeah, I know him. It's fine, thank you for bringing him up. Please, have a seat. I'm sorry about that, but security is strict here, especially with guns." He just nodded as he sat down, before putting his small derringer back into his boot. I could see the other two hand gun he had hidden in his suit along with a shoulder harness. I don't believe for one second that he is just a lawyer but I can't prove otherwise.

Cash barker, he's 27 so he's not that old but he's accomplished. Everyone knows him, all of HPD, every organized crime gang on the island. He's mysterious, but that's part of why he's so accomplished. He's only been known for a couple years, I only heard of him five years ago. He's good at what he does, he's never been arrested or even accused of any crimes.

He's slick, which isn't a good thing for us but it's good for him. He's a very respectful, and well mannered young man. It's definitely odd for a criminal to be like that, but maybe that's how he's so good at what he does. He's very convincing, or maybe that's just how he actually is. I'm not sure exactly which it is, but I'm okay with that. We have bigger issues, besides he's on our side for somethings.

He's secretive, most people don't know he's married. He doesn't share information with most people, because it makes him vulnerable. It leaves him exposed, but it's worth it in my opinion. He's explained his feelings on it as well, but he doesn't share too much. I think that's his way of protecting himself a little more, not getting too personal.

"Alright, I don't have much time to waste today. I'm a very busy man, as you know, as are you. What information were you needing today? Any group specifically, or just any information I feel like sharing?" He's usually right to the point especially when it's out of our normal meeting time and place. He's right though, we are both very busy people.

"I was hoping you'd have information on a upcoming member of a different gang in the area. He's been calling himself "the equalizer" we don't have much information on him. We just know he's only been active in organized crime for two months, but he's quickly becoming a very known hit man. He's not someone you want on the opposite team." I saw the look he gave me as I said that, which wasn't meant as a threat it was a warning.

"Yes, The Equalizer. He's a young punk that believes he's going to be the next Al Capone. Believe me he's no real threat to anyone, besides those unable to defend themselves. Believe me he'll either spend life in prison, or be dead by the time he turns 22." I just nodded, because that explains nothing. He doesn't like extra questions, but I can't help it most of the time.

"He's taking out family members of other high criminal targets. He doesn't seem to have any limits, he's killed 17 people. Those people had nothing to do with what their family member is doing, but that didn't stop him." He just shrugged as I told him that, I'm sure he already knew that. He didn't seem surprised or like he even cared.

"I have no family, besides I'm just a lawyer. So lucky me, I guess." I shook my head at that, because that's what most people think. Also he seems untouchable since his family has criminal history, his great grandmother was Ma Barker. "Oh, I forgot to mention 7 of those people killed were children. They weren't even 5 years old, so what else do you know?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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