47: It Could Be What

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"Daniel, guess what?" He looked over at me, and said nothing. "You really aren't a morning person. Well anyways, we have those mandatory Partner Therapy hour tomorrow, and the next day. So we can do that, and then maybe go to dinner after that. I think it would be nice." He nodded his head. "Yeah, I know I'm not a morning person. Do we have to?" He asked looking up at me. "What, go out to dinner after, or go to Therapy?" He gave me his normal are you kidding look. "I mean therapy you goof." I nodded my head. "Yes, Daniel that is what mandatory means. But it won't be too bad this time, it's like one big group thing. So we will be in there with other partners." He nodded his head. "Okay, well that's better than a one on one thing, like last time. I swear we left there, and they probably thought we hated each other." I smile down at him, as we are sitting on the bed. "You do sound like you hate me." He made a little frowny face at me, and talked in a little sad voice. "That's not true. I love you, a lot." He said as he leaned up, and kiss me. "You are such a sweetheart." I said to him after his little adorable remark.

At work
"Steve, I'm heading out I might be back, and if not I'll see you at home." Danny said as he walked into my office. "Where are you going?" He looked over at me. "I have a doctors appointment, I told you this last night." I nodded my head. "Do you want me to come with you?" He shook his head. "No, um.. I should be fine it's just to check everything you know." I nod my head. "Okay, well I guess I'll see you at home. I love you." I said as I stand up, and kiss him. "I love you too, and I'll be back as soon as I can."

At doctors
Danny's point of view
"So, Daniel what seems to be the problem today?" The doctor asked as he sat down. "Well, I have these sores in my mouth. I thought it was nothing, but it keeps coming back, and worse than before. I thought it might of been a canker sore." He nodded his head. "Here, let me have a look really quick." He said as he grabbed a little light to look with. He spent a few minutes looking. "Alright, any other symptoms? Vomiting? Weight loss? Soreness when swallowing?" I nod my head. "Well, I was sick a few weeks ago. I do sometimes have a soreness when swallowing." He nodded his head. "Okay, well I want to run a few test. So, you will need to come back for a blood test, on Friday so in 4 days. From what I was seeing it looked like thrush. It's a mouth illness, that can often associate with different diseases. One big common disease associated with oral thrush, is HIV or AIDS. And being of someone married to another male, it is very commonly found in those relationships. It makes up around 75% of the HIV positive people. It is a very good chance it could be that. Is it possible that you could of contracted it from your partner? Or Partners?" I shook my head. "Okay, could your partner of gotten it from someone else, and spread it to you?" I shook my head. "I don't think he would of done that, no there is no way he would do something like that." He nodded his head. "Okay, well like I was saying come back Friday for the blood work. And once that is in it should only take about 4-6 days, so the end of next week you should know. But more than likely it is AIDS/HIV so I don't recommend any close contact with people. Until we know what it is, and exactly how to treat it, and if it is actually treatable."

Later that night
Steve's point of view
"So Joe would you mind watching the kids tomorrow, and the next day for a few hours?" He shrugged his shoulders before asking. "Sure, I love hanging out with the kids. But why do you need a babysitter?" Well, this is going to be something to explain. "We have Therapy those days." He looked at us kind of puzzled, as we looked completely happy, and normal. Sitting there with Danny holding Daisy, and me holding Hyde. "Why would you need Therapy, are you guys having problems?" We both shook our head. "No, no. It's a mandatory thing, as Partners at work." He nodded his head. "Okay, because you seem to be getting along just fine." I nod my head. "Yep, we are doing just fine. Although, I think he gets a little jealous because the kids think I'm cooler than he is." "You are not funny Steven." He smiled at Danny, and I joking around. "See I could of told you that you have no problems. I mean you are kind of cocky sometimes, but I guess Danny has probably gotten used to your personality by now." I smile and nod my head. "Yeah, Everything He didn't like has changed, and well here I am now. Completely different, but so much better." I saw him nodding his head.

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