66: Arguing

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The next morning
Charlie's point of view
I rolled over, and Nick was still there. It wasn't some crazy dream, or fantasy I had. I guess everything that happened last night was real, which makes me feel a little sick. I mean what if it was just because of the alcohol, and he regrets everything he did last night.

I mean I know he had a drink or two before I left the party, so I have no clue how many he had once I was gone. It could've all been one big drunken mistake. He might never want to talk to me again, or even see me after this. In that case last night wasn't worth it, but I still enjoyed it.

He looks so peaceful while he's sleeping, I've never actually stared long enough to notice all the little details. He has the cutest little smile while he's sleeping, and it looks like he doesn't have a worry in the world. It's cute that he's so comfortable, even though he's in my bed.

I half expected it to be the worst sleep I'd ever gotten, but it was actually pretty nice. He kept the bed warm, and he wasn't a blanket hog. I kind of expected him to steal most of the blankets during the night, so I'd wake up freezing. I woke up a time or two, and he was wrapped practically all the ways around me.

I've always told myself sharing a bed would be uncomfortable. Mostly because I would most likely wake up with no blankets, and I'd be shoved into the smallest part of my bed. I always imagined I'd wake up on the floor, after being pushed out of bed. I must say this was far better than I ever expected. I honestly don't have any complaints, which is surprising considering who my father is.

I should probably get up, but I'm too comfortable for that to actually happen. Nick had his arm under my pillow, which makes me wonder if his hand has fallen asleep on him yet. He has his opposite arm resting gently on my waist, and I might've actually died and gone to heaven. I don't know if I would be able to go back to normal after this.

I've always had a crush on him, which was very confusing at first. I mean having a crush on someone a grade older than you, especially in middle school. I mean he's always been nice to me, during every interaction we had. I've had a few classes with him, but I was always too awkward to actually try to talk to him. I guess fate had different plans this time, even if this is how it ends.

I just kind of sighed, as I propped myself up on my elbow. He still looks perfect, I mean everything about him is perfect. His hair isn't as well maintain as it usually is, but it looks nice. He's got a couple strands that are laying softly on his forehead, but I like it. I guess I get what he meant last night when he was talking about my hair.

I shouldn't do this, but I just can't help it. If this is the closest I'm ever going to get I might as well do it. I gently moved the few strands, I didn't want to wake him up. He's so peaceful, right now. I leaned forward to place a kiss on his forehead, which isn't the most out of place thing we've done. I could see him smile a little more, as I place another kiss there.

"Mmm, it really must be a good morning." I heard him mumble, and I can't believe he was pretending to sleep. " Nicolas, that's not funny. How long have you been awake?" He just smiled up at me, so I'm assuming he's been awake for a while. He's such a jerk, he probably thinks I'm a dork. I mean he's called me it plenty, but it's always a joke.

"Long enough to see how cuddly you look while sleeping. I woke up probably twenty minutes before you did, and I didn't want to disturb you so I just laid here. Unlike you obviously, but I don't mind." I just kind of nodded, as Nick still hadn't moved his arms from where they were. He seemed comfortable with all of this, which is comforting compared to last night.

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