65: High School Parties

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At school
Charlie's point of view
Nicks been kind of quiet today, usually he has something to say. I guess today he's just tired, or something but he's told me everything is fine. I don't really believe him, but I don't want to pry. He'll tell me what's wrong later or whenever he's ready, if there is something wrong.

"So, I wanted to ask you if you'd want to go to a party with me on Friday. You don't have to, but I'd really enjoy the company. Everyone else is kind of boring to me, so it'd be nice to have someone to hang out with." Wow, he's adorable when he rambles on about random things. He's always rambling about something, he's always telling me random things.

"Is that why you've been so quiet? I thought I just looked awful today or something. I seriously thought something was wrong, you jerk." I couldn't help pushing him a little, because he knows I worry. I don't like when people get quiet, it worries me. I hate awkward silence too, so this was a double whammy.

"Okay, maybe that's what's bothering me. I know you're more of a home body, so I figured you were gonna turn me down right away. I was trying to figure out a way, so you'd have no choice but to agree." I couldn't help the eye roll, he's always trying to be sneaky which he's not. He's probably the least sneaky person I know, and that's saying a lot.

"Wow, okay. You just automatically assumed I'd say no? What kind of a nerd do you take me for?" He's always calling me a nerd, but I don't mind when it's him calling me that. I know he's doing it in an endearing manner, he's not actually serious. "Well, you are kind of a nerd. But, it's Alex's birthday and he told me I could invite a person or two as like a plus one. Well I couldn't think of anyone else, I really just want some company."

"Oh I see how it is, you don't think I'm cool enough to be any actual fun at a party? You really do see me as a nerd, I see. At least I know how you really feel now." He just laughed a little, as we made it to the doorway of my next class. Nicks been carrying my things for me every day, since he found out about the assault. He's sweet, and caring which isn't exactly what I expected from Nick when I first met him.

"Hey, I did not say that. You're putting words in my mouth, words I've never said. Of course you're fun, or I wouldn't be here right now. Also you are a proper nerd when you think about it, but it's kind of adorable like a puppy." I couldn't help shaking my head as he said that. I swear he could get away saying anything to me, and I wouldn't mind at all. I probably shouldn't trust him so much, but I feel like I've know him my whole life.

"Okay, I'm glad I'm at least fun. So who's all going to be there? Also you're sure Alex isn't going to mind? I mean he's been kind of off with me since everything that happened a couple weeks ago with Henry and everyone else." He nodded his head after hesitating for a second, or two it wasn't super noticeable. He's definitely going to give me a very Nick answer.

"No, Alex won't mind. He said invite anyone, so I'm inviting you. He doesn't have a problem with you, so it's not a big deal. Also no one on the team has a problem with you anymore, except maybe Henry. They don't pick on you anymore, I've been constantly annoying them about it." I know that's a lie, but if he says that then I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"Nick, you know you don't have to lie. I know that they still talk about me, just behind my back now. I guess it's better not knowing exactly what they are saying." He seemed a little sad when I said that, I've been used to it for a while so it doesn't bother me too much anymore "I'm used to it, so it doesn't bother me anymore. Don't worry about it, I'll ask my parents when I get home."

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