7: Gone in the wind

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The next morning
I woke up this morning, and Steve was gone. I don't know where he could of went because he wouldn't of just left without telling me. Thinking that I just went on like any normal day, I started by making coffee for myself. He's always on his morning run, or his morning swim by the time I wake up.

Grace and Charlie woke up shortly after my morning coffee and wanted some pancakes. After breakfast the kids wanted to go for a swim and asked me several times "Danno where did Steve go?" My answer was always the same "I don't know where he went but he should be back soon."

I know he wouldn't just leave us, especially after I told the kids. Something must of happened, there has to be a reason he left. Maybe I should just make a quick call, not to Steve. I've tried that several times, and nothing. So I'll have to call Kono, she's at the office today doing some paperwork she had.

"Hey Danny, what's up?" I had to kind of do this in an unnoticeable way, so I don't worry the kids. I worried, but they don't need to know that. "Can you run a trace on a phone for me?" I asked quietly, as I kept an eye on the kids.

"Yeah, what's the number? Also is this for a case, or something personal?" I can't exactly answer that second question yet. "I don't know yet, but the number is (927)457-1977." She didn't say anything for a second, I'm assuming she realized what I was doing.

"Is Steve in trouble?"

A few hours later
Rachel called and told me that her and Stan had to go out of town, which means I get to watch Grace and Charlie longer. They should be gone for at least a week if not more, I was pretty excited about have a whole week with my kids.

I was starting to worry about Steve a little bit more as the day went on. Kono's trace wasn't any help because his phone was shut off shortly after I talked to him last night. I'm guess he knew this was going to happen, he was just too prepared.

He always has his phone on, so this one time I was hoping it was on and it wasn't. He can't go anywhere without it, so if he didn't know about this why would he shut it off?

9:30 pm
I answered my phone, not even looking at the number "Hello detective Danny Williams" It took a second before I heard anything, I almost hung up. I could hear someone breathing on the other end. "Miss me yet?" That son of a bitch.

"Steve where the hell are you? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? What the hell is the matter with you, you can't just leave without telling me!" I started one of my rants and trust me, I could drag this one out for a while. A long long while.

"Why are you angry? I left a note on our bed side table, didn't you read it? It explains everything." Of course I read it, but it didn't explain anything. It just basically said bye, see you soon. "I would of preferred you telling me in person, also it explained nothing. I'm not angry."

"You sound angry." He can really push my buttons. "I am not angry, I would've like an explanation." He didn't say anything for a second. "I'm sorry Danno I would of told you in person, but you were asleep when I left. And besides you and the kids looked too cute I didn't want to disturb you." Of course, he would use that as an excuse.

He knows exactly what will make me stop complaining, and lecturing him. "Well thanks for that I guess. When are you going to be home?" I mean I had to ask, and I'm not dealing with this. I'm not waiting for him if he's going to keep leaving whenever he wants to. I'm not playing games like him and Catherine did.

"When I find Shelburn (Steve's mom)" I couldn't help rolling my eyes, he's off on some crazy mission. Probably some mission he made up by himself, and probably a mission no one wanted him on. At least that's how it normally is.

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