67: Coming Out

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Hi, and thank you for reading! I know this isn't exactly what y'all expected in a Mcdanno book, but I'm writing what makes me happy. It'll get back to normal soon enough, but I'm really enjoying the cute romance I'm writing currently. I'm also enjoying seeing Skyler and Charlie a lot more. My book isn't nearly as popular as it was when I started it, but that's fine. I write mostly for myself, it's just a way for my creative energy to get out.

Anyways, that's my Ted talk lol. Again, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave comments. I love interacting with y'all, also notes are always appreciated.❤️

Baseball/ Softball practice
Skyler's point of view
I decided to try out for softball along with a couple of friends, because we've just been talking about doing a sport together. None of us have played baseball, or softball for that matter. I mean I played baseball when I was little, because Danno made both me and Charlie play. We only played one season, but it was a league for kids we were like 7.

Charlie's never been good at sports, but I'm pretty athletic. I do good at every sport I've tried playing, so I'm not too worried about it. I mean I made the team, so I must've done something right. We don't have our first game for another couple weeks, so it'll give us time to prepare. The only bad thing is that softball practice the same time as the baseball.

"Is there a reason you're staring dagger at Nick? I mean you've hardly looked away from him this whole time. If I didn't know any better I'd think you had a crush on him, or something." I just shook my head as Sam said that to me. We usually get paired up to warm up together, which means a short run, stretching, and some catching before practice.

"Are you kidding me? You really think I'd like that jerk. You're hilarious, besides he's Charlie's best friend. Also I think he's a complete and total asshole." I could see her give me a look, but I don't care what she thinks. She doesn't know the full story anyways, so it's not like she can state an opinion.

I might really hate Nick, but I'm not going to out him. I mean I think he's still lying about everything, but I would never out anyone. I wouldn't want to hurt Charlie, or put him in the middle of something. I mean he's already in the middle, but I don't want to cause any problems for him.

"You know some people think it's hot, the whole best friends brother thing. I personally think you should give him a chance, you guys might actually get along." I've debated on giving Nick a chance, but I just can't. I want to because it'll fix everything between me and Charlie. I just can't justify befriending Nick, when I know he's just going to hurt Charlie.

"That's so gross. I can't give him a chance, not after everything his friends have done to Charlie. They started the rumors about Charlie, and they were the ones who hurt him." Okay, maybe I could give him a chance. It wasn't him that did anything to Charlie, it was people on his team. I might've been too harsh on Nick, like dad told me.

"But was it Nick who did that? I mean look at him, he looks like a golden retriever. He's also pretty good looking, and he's single. Maybe that's why he's become such good friends with Charlie." I couldn't help the eye roll as she said that, I mean he's dating Charlie I think. I don't know, I haven't cared enough to ask.

"Have you ever thought maybe Nick isn't as nice as he seems? Maybe him being friends with Charlie is just some huge joke to him. I mean he's technically one of them, he's been friends with those guys way longer than he has been with Charlie." She just laughed when I said that, because apparently everyone disagrees with me.

A baseball landed right next to me, as it bounced a couple of times before stopping. "Can you toss the ball back please?" I shook my head a little, as I leaned down to pick it up. Of course it's Nicks ball, or he wouldn't of asked for it back. I could see the almost completely worn off name "Nick" on there. It's ridiculous, it's just a ball there isn't a point in writing your name on it.

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