50: Final Chapter...

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Early morning -July 1st, 2019
Steve's point of view
I roll over to notice my bed is completely empty, Danny must of gotten up early for some reason. Probably to feed the twins, it was his turn. I start to roll over to get out of bed, and Danny comes walking into the room. "Good morning." He says as he walks over, and kisses my forehead.

"Morning." He looked at me a little off. "Do you feel okay? You don't look good." He asked as he reached out his head to feel my head. "Thanks I love hearing first thing in the morning that I don't look good, and I have a little bit of a headache. Nothing major, trust me I'll live."

He nodded. "Well your head is kind of warm, you want me to go get you something?" I shook my head. "Well, if you need anything let me know, and I'll get it for you." He gave me a little frown face. "Awe, my poor baby." What? Well that's a new one.

Danny's point of view
He just looked really sick, he's so pale. And his forehead is so warm, he definitely has a fever. He probably has the flu, or something. He really worries me when he gets sick, because he never admits when he isn't feeling well. Like last year on my birthday, he had a bad head ache. He never once complained about it, or even mentioned that his head hurt.

He just acts like normal, and he acted just as lovable, and sweet as always. So many people think oh he's a navy seal, he can't be sweet, and whatever. He is actually one of the sweetest, and most thoughtful people I know. I know I complain all the time about him, but I really couldn't ask for anyone better than him to spend the rest of my life with.

Later that day
Steve's point of view
"How you feeling Steve?" Danny asked as he brought me up a bowl of his homemade soup. "I'm feeling a lot better." He nodded his head as he handed me the soup. "Thank you." I said before he kissed my cheek. "Steve, you don't have to thank me. I'm taking care of you, just like you always do for me." I smile over at him, before nodding my head. "Okay, well you should probably get some sleep. I'll be here if you need anything, I love you." I smile at him. "I love you, too."

At work the next day
I was working on some paperwork from the last case we had, and Danny come walking into my office. Like normal. "What's up?" I ask him as I look up from the papers. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go get lunch?" I nod my head. "Sure, I could definitely use a break from all this." I say as I stand up from my chair, and walk towards him. "You sure you feel fine?" He asked as he reached up to touch my forehead. I grab his hand, before kissing the back of it. "Yes, Danny I feel just fine. Lets go get some lunch." I say as we start walking out of my office.

That night
Finally, I'm not sick I'm all clear. So you know what that means, Steven is getting lucky. Oh yeah. The kids went to bed an hour ago, so they are definitely asleep. I walk into my room, before shutting and locking the door. I look over at Danny as he just finished brushing his teeth, and he's standing in the door way of the bathroom.

"What did you do that for?" He asked as I walked my way over to him. "You'll see." I say as I smirk down at him, before closing the gap between us. My hands slowly, but surely find their way down to his ass. Which is great might I point out. And I slip them down to the back of his thighs, and lift him up. I walk over to our bed, as I lean down and set his back on the bed never breaking the heated kiss.

He was far enough on the bed for me to climb between his legs. We finally broke the kiss for air, and quickly reconnected as I started slipping my pants off. Followed shortly after by his. The shirts were already gone, since we never wear our shirts to bed. I gridded slightly against him, as I leaned forward to be closer to him, as I was still hovering over him.

I broke the kiss, and started working on his neck sucking little marks all over it. He stopped me, and looked up at me. "Why do you always like this position?" He asked. "Because, I like seeing your face when you come undone for me. Is that a good answer?" I said as I smiled down at him. I asked just wanting to continue. "Fuck, that's hot." He said up to me, before reconnecting our lips.

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