13: The Proposal in the waiting

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2 weeks after the last chapter
Steve's point of view
Today's the day, I'm gonna ask Danny the big question. I'm going to ask Danno to marry me, but there's a little problem. My mother and Joe are coming back today, and well my mother doesn't know I'm Bi, and in a gay relationship. I really don't know how she is going to react, but I don't care nothing is going to ruin this day. This day is going to be absolutely perfect, I hope. That's when my phone rings
Ring ring ring
"Don't forget you and detective Williams have a therapy session today."
"Are you kidding me? It's the weekend."
"Fine don't show up, but then I get to choose if you two can work together."
"Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?"
"No, I'm just telling you. I have the power of reassigning detective Williams with a different partner."
End call
I hung up on him. Well that's the new therapist, his name is Sweets. He's literally a 12 year old. Know what that's fine, that still doesn't ruin this day. Nothing and I mean nothing is going to ruin this day. Since its 6am and I'm done with my swim, im gonna go cuddle with Danny. He hates when my hair is wet, but oh well.
A few hours later
I got up at 8, and started making him some break fast. Right when I put it on the table, Charlie came in and started eating. Well I guess, I need to make more eggs. "Are the eggs good?" I laugh a little. "Yeah." He smiled and He made that adorable little face at me. I started making more eggs because Danny gets a little grumpy if he doesn't get feed when he wakes up.
An hour later
I get done cooking eggs, and cutting fruit. Danny has been patiently waiting for his breakfast today. Skyler and Grace are upstairs hanging out in Grace's room. That's when Clara walks downstairs, wearing a gay pride shirt. "Good morning Daniel, and Steve." Danny and I just looked at each other for a second before he replied "Good morning mom. I uh... Really like your shirt where did you get it?" "Um, good morning Clara." "Oh this, I got it a while ago. Well actually when I came to visit last time." Danny gave me another weird look and asked "Why did you get it last time you where here?" "Because I figured you were going to tell me about Steve and you then but you didn't." She smiled sweetly at us. "Uh.. Last time what do you mean, nothing was happening last time?" She shook her head "Honey, I'm your mother. I knew and besides the way you went on and on about him. And the way you looked at him, it's the same way I used to look at your father." That's when I cut in "You used to talk about me? What did you say?" He just gave me a look, he thinks it's supposed to be scary. I just think it's cute. That's when I hear Chin say from outside "Steve used to say how kissable your lips looked and how he wanted..." "Alright stop there are children here." I say while covering Charlie's ears.
An hour later
After a while of just telling story's and just talk, Danny and I had to leave. But first I had to ask Chin something, I pull Chin off to the side to ask him something. "Okay, I'm proposing to Danny tonight. And I was wondering if you would be the best man at our wedding." "Are you serious?" "Yes, I know it's a long time coming." "No kidding like 5 years coming, but absolutely."
On the car ride to therapy
"Do you think our children will be okay with my mother?" "Danny they will be just fine, she raised you. You're perfect, trust me it will be fine. I love you." "I love you too, but I hate this Sweets guy. He freaking 11 what does he know about partnership." Danny did have a point there, why does Sweets have to make everything so awful. "Yeah, but just remember everything is fine."
Arriving at therapy
"Steve just let me call and see how the kids are? Please." He gave a puppy dog face, but I had to say no. "No Danny, we have to head in now. And trust me everything is fine." "Fine."
A freaking hour later
Are you kidding me, we have been wait for an hour. What the hell. That's when Sweets walks out of his room and says "Let's go. It's your turn." "Finally." "Command McGarrett I sense some anger coming from you." "Yeah I am a little upset, you had us wait an hour. You keep threatening to take my partner, so yeah why wouldn't I be upset?"
Half way through the session
Danny started getting really mad about the subject of us getting separated. "Look if Steve and I don't work together, then I won't be a cop anymore."'I turn my whole body and look at him, he seems very serious about it. I whispered to him "Danny are you sure about that?" "Yes Steve, I'm so tired of him threatening our partnership. I'm not working with anyone besides you. I don't trust anyone else besides you." I seen Sweets writing all of this down as I was hugging Danny. "Will you just stop writing everything, and would you stop threatening us." Well he didn't stop, so I stood up grabbed the pen and snapped it. He made me angry, then I sat back down. "Don't even open your mouth, I think we are done for today. Write that down on your stupid little paper."
On the way home
"Danny, were you being serious about what you said?" "Oh you mean about quitting law enforcement?" "Yes." "Okay then yeah I was serious. I'm just tired of all the rules, and everyone threatening our partnership." "Oh okay, are you sure?" He chuckled a little, "Yes Steven I am completely sure. I don't want to work with anyone, besides you. Although I don't like your driving." We laughed a little, and I realized it's time to pick my mom up from the airport. "Well it's time Danny, do you want to come with to pick her up? Or you don't have to." He looked at me for a second and pulled my face towards him, and we shared a quick kiss. "You know I am a police officer, so now I have to give you a ticket Steven. But what do I charge you with?" He looked at me for a minute and I replied "How about a romantic dinner, or dinner with our friends and we just forget that ticket." He kissed me again "Fine dinner with our friends should be fun." We smiled at each other for a second, and drove to the airport.
On the way home from the airport
My phone rings, it's Joe calling
Ring ring ring
"Steve has your mother landed yet?"
"Yes Joe."
"Well I'll be landing tomorrow."
"Um.. No your landing today. Like we talked about."
"No my flight was delayed. Bye Steve."
End call
"Son of a bitch" My mother looked at me for a second almost like she was shocked by my words and finally said "Steven watch your mouth!" Then Danny continued "Yeah Steven watch your mouth." well my mom then said something back to Danny, it was kind of funny. But then I felt bad. "You too smart ass." Danny didn't say much after that, I felt bad for laughing after my mom said that.
Half an hour later
We were almost home when I wasn't paying attention and grabbed Danny's hand. After a few minutes of Danny and I holding hand my mom finally noticed. She cleared her throat and said "Steven why are you holding his hand?" Danny and I looked at each other for a second before I said anything. "Well mom, you know how when I was younger you just left me. We'll see you don't know me very well, I'm.... We" I say looking at Danny for a second and then I continue "We are dating and no I'm not gay, or messed up in anyway. I'm just myself, and I don't have a label." She didn't really say how she felt about it "Well okay Steven, that's good for you."
Arriving home
Right when we pulled in Skyler came running out to Danno and I. That's when I realized, my mother doesn't know about her. She doesn't even know about Danny and I living together, or the proposal. I guess I'll talk to her later about everything. "I missed you, where did you go?" She asked looking up at Danny and I like she thought we left her or forgot about her. She started talking to us a few days ago, she's been with us for almost a month now. She started talking after she got lost at the mall with me. Ever since she started talking she is always talking. "Danno, and dad had some work stuff to do. And Steve you can introduce your mother to our child, just don't let your mother make her cry." He said before kissing skylers cheek and my lips. Then quickly went into the house, great now it's my mother, my child that my mom doesn't know about and me what could go wrong. I pick Skyler up and walk towards my mom "Okay mom, this is Skyler. She is your granddaughter so be nice." I place Skyler down and Skyler was just hiding behind my legs. "Come here baby. Grandma isn't going to hurt you, can I have a hug?" She looks up at me before giving my mother a hug. Then I see a very odd sight, my mom smiling. It was like she was almost happy with the fact that I had a child.
Half hour later
After almost an hour of Skyler explaining everything about herself to my mom we went inside. Great now we have to introduce our mothers, wonder how that is going to turn out. Hopefully they will get along because if not then we could have some problems, I guess I was too worried about my mother to notice Danny. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. I pulled Danny into our room and he just couldn't hold himself together any more. He just started crying into my chest. "Danny? Something is obviously bothering you, what is it?" After a few minutes of him crying and getting my shirt covered in tears he told me "There was a plane crash. The plane Rachel and Stan were on, they are dead Steve." I just sat there hugging him, not sure what to say. What do you even say when someone tells you that? What's going to happen with Charlie and Grace? Are they going to live with us, are they going to live with Stans family? After a while of us hugging Danny feel asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I gently laied his head down on the pillow, and covered him with a blanket. I quietly left the room and returned to the kitchen. I found a very nice sight, my mom and Danny's mom cooking dinner together. They were just tell embarrassing story's from mine and Danny's childhood.
A few hours later
Danny is still asleep, and our mothers are still tell stories. I'm very surprised because my mother wasn't here for every much of my childhood, but she sure did have a ton of stories. "Okay you guys have been "working" on dinner for the past few hours. Can I just cook, I'm starving and I imagine the kids are too." "Fine go ahead, but we are still going to help." Well long story short they didn't help at all.
Two hours later
Finally it's time for bed, this day didn't go as planned at all. It's very disappointing because today was supposed to be the big day, I was going to ask Danny to marry me. Oh well I guess it just wasn't supposed to happen today, or maybe Joe just shouldn't of been here for it. I continue thinking as I walk into mine and Danny's bedroom, Danny is just now waking up from his nap. I guess I'm going to have to stay up with him. He seemed to be very confused by something. "Steven what time is it?" "Babe it's almost 10. You have been sleeping for like 5 hours." He looked out the window and made a very obvious statement "It's dark outside already." "Yes Danno it's been dark for almost an hour." He made an "O" face like he understood then asked "Did we eat already?" I laughed a little and replied "Yes Danny we all eat, but you didn't." I paused for a second and then continued "I'll go get you some dinner, I'll be right back." I said before giving him a quick peck on the lips, then leaving the room.
An hour later
Danny is finally falling asleep again, which is great for me because I'm so tired. I can hardly keep my eyes open, he asked why we didn't go to dinner tonight. I didn't tell him the real reason, I just said because he fell asleep.

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