14: The Ring in the Dresser

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Danny's point of view
Okay so let me set the scene, I'm in our bedroom. And I'm alone because Steve had a private phone call, so he's outside. Well I know he's hiding something, so I was looking through his underwear drawer. That's where he hides things, he really thinks I'm not gonna look in there. Are you kidding me? I do his laundry, and besides I touch his underwear every night. But anyways when I was looking throughout his drawer, I found something I don't think I was supposed to see. There was a little black leather box in there and inside there were two rings. They were both silver and they both had last Friday's date engraved on them, the same day Rachel and Stan died. I didn't have much time to look because I was freaking out for half the time and Steve was coming back into the room. I quickly close the drawer and get back in bed. "Morning sailor." I say before giving him a kiss. "Good morning detective." He lays down on the bed with his head in my lap "Are the kids up?" He laughed a little " No it's only 7, why would the be up already?" I smile at him " I was just making sure." He quickly popped up and said and smirking " We have at least an hour to have some fun."
Two hours later
After two hours of... Um... Play fighting. Yeah that's what we were doing, we heard Skyler in the kitchen with someone. The voice sounded like I had heard it before, but I didn't know who it was. Steve and I quickly put on our clothes and grab our guns. We walk to the kitchen and see Marie, and Johanna. "Marie what are you doing here?" Steve says excitedly. "I thought I would come visit you. Are you surprised?" I then jump in and say "I'm surprised and it's a very good surprise." "Yeah but why didn't you call I would of came and picked you up from the airport?" She laughed a little and said "Then it wouldn't be much of a surprise." We sat there and had a cup of coffee with her and talked for a little bit. Then the kids came downstairs and Steven came up with this great idea. "Let's go out for breakfast? It'll be fun I won't have to cook and we can catch up." Everyone agreed and they left to get ready, leaving just Marie and I. "So you were the noises?" I thought about it for a minute and looked at her confused. "You know old house thin walls." "Oh god." "Yeah you were saying that a lot. But don't worry I just broke up with my boyfriend so it's a fair fight." There was a slight pause before I replied " Wow." Oh god, I really should stop saying that. Steve's sister heard us, I'm just glad our mothers didn't. They went shopping and got back not long after Marie got here. This isn't even the thing I'm freaking out about, I'm freaking out Steve is going to propose. What do I say? I mean I love him and I want to marry him, but are we ready? Like I know we have a child together, but what if something happens like what happened with Rachel and I.
At breakfast
Steve was acting weird and he pulled Marie off to the side, I don't know what for. I mean maybe just to explain everything that has happened since last time she was here, but he said something and it made her happy. They hugged for a minute then returned to the table like nothing happened. "So Steven have you heard from Joe?" "Yeah, yeah I did mom. He's not coming, he can't allow this." What can't he allow. Oh god he's talking about the proposal, I really need to stop saying that. "Oh honey I'm sorry." I felt bad for Steve, Joe is like a second father to him and he won't even let Steve be happy. "It's fine mom. I'll get over it." My mom was a little confused by the whole thing, till Steve's mom explained. My mom didn't really understand why she faked her own death, but she didn't ask any questions. "Dad?" Steve looked down at Skyler. "I'm sorry you're sad." She said before giving him a hug, this made him feel slightly better. But he soon said back " Thank you, but I'm fine sweetie." She then looked slightly upset "That was a special hug because I thought you were sad." She said before folding her arms over her chest. We all just kind of laughed, and enjoyed being together.
After breakfast
I still haven't told the kids about Stan and Rachel, their funeral was a few days ago. I didn't want the kids to know they just died. I think we should just tell them that they had to move and just thought it was best for the kids to stay with us. I know that's lying, but they are just children. I also can't stop thinking about the rings I found. Should I tell Steve that I know, or do I just pretend I don't. I was silent the whole car ride home, I guess that made Steve worry. We pulled up to the house and the kids went inside, when Steve and I sat in the car to talk. "Danny is something bothering you?" I nod my head "What is it?" I look down almost ashamed to know. "I was looking in your drawers earlier and." I paused for a minute, but he interrupted me "Danny, why did you do that? You had no right to do that." He looked very upset by this. "I'm sorry Steve, I just knew something was bothering you and..." He interrupted again "And what you were trying to help! Well you didn't." I messed up, I really messed up. "Steve.. I'm so sorry" He looked down so he didn't see my face, he was trying not to feel bad. "Danny sorry doesn't help this time." I was trying so hard not to cry in front of him, I know he hates when I cry. It's not very often but sometimes I do. "Danny, I have to go. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will be back." I continue to look down, not wanting to hear these words. "Danny? Will you look at me please?" I still won't look up, so he puts his thumb under my chin and lifts up my face so I'm looking at him. "I'm sorry Danny, I just have to go. When I get back we will have an amazing life together. I love you." I whispered back and slightly mumbled "I love you too."
Packing bag
Steve's point of view
I hate arguing with him, and I feel awful that this was about getting married. But I just can't marry him without Joe being here, it wouldn't be right. I finish packing my bag and head downstairs. I see Danny sitting at the kitchen table alone, sadly. Everyone else was standing by the door waiting to say goodbye. I feel so bad, Grace, and Skyler were crying. Charlie was sad, but he was trying to keep it together. My mother was very proud that I wasn't getting married without Joe, because Joe is ohana. He's family and he knows that, he just hates to admit that. "Dad, are you sure you have to go?" Skyler says to me. "Yes Skyler I have to, it's something I have to do. I'll miss you very much. I love you." "I love you too." Finally I finish all the goodbyes, besides Danny's. I walk into the kitchen "Danny please look at me. At least say goodbye, say something." He looked up for a minute "I love you Steve. Be careful and don't die on me, you are not allowed to die on me." I chuckle slightly. "Steven that was an order." I kiss his lips and say "Don't worry so much, we have something not even death can stop. We have true love, nothing can stop that." After a long good bye I leave.
A few days later
I finally found Joe, he was in France on vacation. I finally approach him, "Joe?" He turns around and asked "What are you doing here son?" I sat down at the other end of the table from him. "I'm here because some important father figure won't come to my wedding." "Okay. How did you know where to find me?" I shook my head "You trained me remember?" He nodded his head. "How could I forget, you're the closest thing I have to a son Steven." "Really then why won't you come to my wedding?" He took a sip of his coffee "Well Steve, because I have been avoiding your questions. But now I'm done avoiding them, then if you still want me at your wedding I'll go."
Later that same day
Well all questions have been answered, but why is he just now telling me this. "Joe, why are you only now telling me these answers?" He looked down and then back up "I felt like you had the right to know." "Okay, well pack your bag we are heading back Hawaii." He got up and we headed back to the hotel he and I were both staying at.
On the airplane
"So it's official Steve McGarrett is finally getting married?" I laughed a little "As long as he says yes." "Do you have the rings already?" I shake my head yes then no "It's complicated, I had the rings but he saw them." Joe then made an "Oh" face " Don't worry right when we land we'll head over to this special store I know." "Thanks Joe."
"Are you sure Danny is the one Steve?" I look at Joe "Yes, I have never been more sure about anything." "Good, as long as you are 100% sure about this then I support you two." Finally we land and grabbed our bags. I haven't told Danny I was gonna be home today, he still thinks I'm not gonna be back for a week or longer. I have a surprise for him.
A few hours later
I got a new ring and this time I'm gonna do things right. I'm at the house right now, because Danny and the kids aren't here. Joe called my mom and told her to get Danny and everyone out of the house. But right now I'm putting on a nice suit, and making some reservations at a very nice place on the island. It's on the beach, but I'm having one of the best cooks on the island to make Danny and I a special dinner. He always says "Anything for five O", he has the best restaurant on the island. I finally get done putting on my suit, and making sure I have the rings. Now all I have to do is ask him, and have a nice evening.
Arriving at the shrimp truck
I get out of my truck and I can hear everyone "whoa" "Wow look at you." "What are you doing here Steve." I smile "Well Danny I'm taking you on a date." He stands up on his tip toes and we share a kiss. "Well thank you very much, but you don't need to do that." This made me smile "I know, but I just thought a nice date night would be fun after me being gone."

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