30: The creativity in the solution

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P.s I did not proof read any of this, there could be mistakes with spelling, or other writing errors. I hope you enjoy, this very (creative?) character.

After Charlie's surgery
"Danny, everything went fine. They should be bringing him out in a few minutes, bones said there were no complications. He should recover quickly, as for you I don't know. That little needle you got in your arm might of  crippled you for life." He laughed and lightly hit my arm. "I'm kidding, you know I love you." I lean in and kiss him, he kissed back. He seems to be looking better now, he looked rough the past few days. I imagine I haven't looked much better.

A few days earlier
Flash back
Danny and I have been so annoyed with each other the past few days. I know it's just us being worried, worried about Charlie, and if he's going to get better.

A few hours later
We were leaving a crime scene, and we were heading back to the car. I was way in front of him, due to us not wanting to be by each other, and me just walking faster than him.
Danny was quickly walking trying to catch up. "Hey, hey. Hey! You don't have to talk to me like I'm a dog." There was a pause so I could think of what he's talking about. "What are you talking about?" I ask being confused about what he's saying. "You have been doing it a lot lately, here, sit, heel, stay. I don't like it." Oh that's what he's talking about. "Really?" He nods his head. "Yeah, really I don't like it." I can see why he would be a little upset. "Oh, I'm so sorry." He looked even more upset by my apology. "You're being sarcastic." I shake my head. "Come here." There was a slight pause in between, so he could walk over. I pull him into a hug. " I'm sorry you felt that way. And I love you, a lot. Just remember that, I know you're worried about him, but so am I."

A few hours later in the car
I breath in deeply being almost afraid of this conversation I knew we had to have. "We have both been acting differently." He nods his head sadly. "I know." I could hear the worry in his voice, he must be thinking the worst things in his head. "Danny, what are you thinking about?" I pull his hand up to my mouth, and kiss the back of it. "I'm being silly, it sounds like you wanna get divorced already. Or spend time apart." I shake my head. "Danny, that will never happen. I wouldn't leave you."

Back to present time
In hospital with Charlie
"Buddy, how are you feeling?" Danny says to Charlie, as Danny moves Charlie's hair out of his face. Charlie just smiled up at him, with that big toothy grin. Danny smiles back at him, and leans down to kiss his forehead. "I love you, you little goof." Charlie laughed at Danny before replying. "I love you too, Danno." I think they might just want to be alone for a minute. "Hey, I'm gonna go get so,e ice cream for Charlie. Do you want any?" Danny completely ignored me. I'm a little hurt, but he's worried about Charlie, which is fine he is our son.

The next morning
"Daniel, it's a big morning. Your surprise is at the airport, and Charlie is back home today." He leaned over in our bed to kiss me, which I gladly accepted the kiss.  "I love you, I love you so much." He sat up in front of me, and just looked at my face for a minute. Then he leaned in and kissed my forehead, and looked back at me. "God, I love you so much." I noticed his eyes tearing up, and slowly turn a bright beautiful blue. Then a tear rolled down his cheek, I placed my hand on his face to wipe that single falling tear. "Danny, what is it?" He laughed slightly. "I was so worried. I was so awful to you, and you were so nice though the whole thing... and I was awful to you. How could you love someone who treated you so awful."  I wiped the falling tears, and shook my head. "No, Danny you weren't awful to me. It's al..." he interrupted me. "No, I was terrible to you. I know I was." "Danny, it fine." I pull him to a hug, to calm him down. "Everything is fine, it's alright. Everything is going to be fine."

At the airport
"Mrs. Williams how are you doing?" I ask as I hug her. "I'm doing fine, how's you and my son?" I nod my head. "We are doing really good, I'm so happy you could come down to visit. Well Danny has been wanting to adopt another child, his name is Westley. We actually are the ones who removed him from his last home, and I think we could really make the next part of his life as happy as it could ever be. I really do think he would perfect for our family, and he is really sweet for what he's been through." She looked beyond happy. "Of course I'll watch the kids, why wouldn't I want time to spend with my grand babies. And I might be getting another grand baby. I'm so happy for you two." She smiled and hugged me again. "Well I payed for 3 nights at the best hotel, it has a pool. It has the works, if you wouldn't mind taking the kids there. I would really appreciate I..." she interrupted me. Wow this family really has a thing for interrupting people. "Say no more, I'll be happy to do it."

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