3: The Lost in the Emotions

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Where we left off
Danny's point of view
I hadn't realized I zoned out. I was still looking out at the ocean with Steve trying to get me to finish what I started to say. I hadn't told him yet, I hadn't said what I wanted to. I had only said " I have to tell you something..." Then I just stopped talking, I guess I got too scared to continue.

I mean come on it's just Steve, the same Steve who is my friend, but also the person I care most about besides Grace. I can't, I just can't do it. Steve then asked " What were you going to tell me before you zoned out?" Before he finished his question, I got up and ran. I ran out front towards my car.

" Danny wait, Danno where are you going? Danny stop and talk to me." I was in my car and gone before he could catch up to me. As I drove away I didn't know if I should go back and talk to him or what I should do. This has been dragging me down, I just feel like I'm just stuck and nervous. I wanted to tell him, I really did but I got nervous and couldn't do it.

I can't lose him, I mean what else would I have. HPD probably doesn't want me back, and after being let go by Five-O no one would want me. Being let go by Five-O is kind of impossible since we do basically whatever we want. It's definitely a nice tool to have, especially since in normal police work there is a lot of red tape to cross.

At the Palace
I went to HQ to talk with Kono she's been there all day doing paper work and other things around the office. I went in and sat down in front of her desk. I guess I gave her a look, because she knew exactly what that look meant. She said " I get it telling Steve is a big deal. I understand your not ready."

I just asked " How could you possibly know that is what I'm upset about?" She looked at me and said "He's been calling your office phone for the past 20 minutes. He must really want to know. Now you have to figure out if your going to tell him, or just act normal when you work together. "

I guess I didn't really think about that, I mean I did but not the fact that he is my partner and this could make things weird. GREAT. I got up and left feeling more frustrated than when I first got here. He's going to be asking me what I was going to say all day tomorrow. I'll just say I forgot or something, maybe he'll believe me.

He probably won't forget, but maybe I can just tell him that I don't want to talk about it. I mean that always works for him, maybe he'll give it a pass this one time. I've never pass on a question regarding how I feel, especially when Steve asks. I know I should just tell him, but I'm not ready.

Skip to the next day around noon
Steve and I were heading to this parking garage because we got a tip from a prisoner, the tip was about a major gun deal that was supposed to be going down.

This is in one of the episode I believe it's episode season 4 episode 19, it's called blood brothers. But in this story Catherine isn't there and neither is Amber.  The next part will be longer, I hope.

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