51: Help!

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One month later
I sigh as I finally make it into work, I have been so miserable this past month. I'm just not myself, and everyone can tell. My life is just falling apart since I woke up from that dream, and everyone is so cautious about it. I just walked straight to my office, ignoring everyone's good mornings. I'm not in the mood, I already had a bad night. I could hear someone walking behind me, as I entered my office. I just didn't care enough to look, so I walked over to my chair before sitting down.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I heard Danny complain as he walked into my office. "I really don't feel like talking, Okay?" He wasn't taking that as an answer. "I get it you are unhappy, get help. But you are in such an asshole mood today, why? I want to help, and be here for you. It's just hard when yo..." I stood up. "Look, Catherine left last night. So just shut up, I don't need your shit today." He immediately shut up after that. "I'm sorry, I um... well now I feel like the asshole." He said, before sitting down in the chair in front of my desk.

"Do you want some company after work, we could hangout have a beer?" I shook my head. "If you have plans don't think you have to hangout with me." He shook his head. "I don't have plans, none at all." He said as he smiled over at me, with that damn smile I'm so in love with. "Thanks Danny." I said as he got up, and headed towards the door. "Don't worry, I got you babe. So it's a date, I'll see you after work." He said as he walked out the door. I have it so bad for that little sassy detective, and I'm so unhappy because I can't do anything about it.

"Why did she leave?" I heard Danny ask, as we were drinking a beer, and talking. "Well, I guess she got bored of being here, or maybe she just didn't want to be with me." I said as I shrugged at the last bit. "I never liked her, anyways. She's just not my type." I heard Danny comment, I laughed at little. "Well, that's because she isn't a guy. I get what you were trying to say, and I think I understand what you mean." I said as I sighed and sat back. "So, can I ask about your dream?" He said quietly, almost like he didn't want me to hear him.

I sighed, I guess I could talk about it a little. "What do you want to know?" I asked as I looked his way, he seemed shocked I was willing to share. "Well, what happened? Was I in it? Anything important happen?" I nodded my head. "Well, yeah you were in it. Kind of a lot actually. Anything important, well I was married. I had 4 little kids, and they were the sweetest little kids." I left out Grace, and Charlie for a very obvious reason. He nodded his head.

"Well, tell me about them? What were their names?" I cleared my throat. "Well, there was Hyde, and Daisy they were twins. Then there was Westley, and Skyler, these two were adopted." He thought about it for a minute. "That's very sweet." I nodded my head. "And who were you married to?" I shook my head. "Well, actually.... um, I have no clue." He nodded his head. The night continued like this, and it all ended very well. He spent the night, because he had a few too many drinks. He slept in the guest bed, unfortunately.

The next morning
I walk downstairs, and there's Danny cooking eggs like he would in that dream I so desperately want back. "Good morning." I said as I was grabbing a coffee cup. This isn't exactly unusual for us, before the accident he would come over a lot for breakfast, or whatever else. "Morning, could you grab two plates?" He asked since the eggs were just getting done, I reached up and grabbed two plates. "When did you get up?" I asked as he handed me back a plate with two eggs on it, and I grabbed a piece of toast.

I sat down at the table, and he followed behind me. "Well, I got up like an hour ago. You got up really late today, are you alright?" I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm alright." He nodded his head, as I looked at him for a little while longer. "Why do you keep staring at me?" I shook my head, before looking down. "Sorry, I just I don't know." He nodded his head. "That's fine, so did you have a better night last night?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks Danny, I could use a friend last night." He nodded his head. "No problem, your my BFF." He said before laughing, and I joined in. "Yeah, Thanks." He smiled at me. "There you go, there's that smile. Now I have to get going soon, I have a date today. I'll come back later, and hangout for a little if you want me to?" I shook my head. "No, that's fine. Have fun on your date." He nodded his head as he stood up, and walked towards the sink. "Thanks, I'll see you later." I smiled at him as he went to leave. "Bye, Danny." And just like that he was gone again. As the door shut I whispered to myself. "I love you." He didn't hear me, which I didn't want him to either.

Later that night 8 pm
I pulled open my front door to see a clearly mad Danny. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him as he walked in, so I could shut the door. "Men are pigs." Oh... well. I guess that date didn't go well. "Why? What happened?" I asked actually kind of curious. "He was married, and forgot to take off his wedding ring." Oh, big mistake. "Oh. Well, do you want to sit outside, and have a beer?" He nodded his head, and gladly took my beer I hadn't opened.

As we walked outside I stopped, and grabbed myself another beer. I'm kind of glad the date didn't go well, but I feel guilty because he should be happy. Even if it's not with me. I sit down in the chair next to Danny, as he groans to himself. "I can't believe I thought it could of actually been a real relationship. After four dates, and turns out he's a pig just like all men." I shrugged my shoulder. "Not all men are pigs, some of us are good." He nodded his head. "I know, you're actually a very nice guy. Any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you." He said smiling at me.

I nodded my head. "Well. Trust me Danny you'll find someone, there is always someone for everyone." He smiled at me again. "Thanks Steve, god why can't I find a nice guy." He said sighing to himself. "Who knows it might be just around the corner."He nodded his head, before taking another sip of his beer. "Any plans this weekend?" He asked as he looked my way. I shook my head. "No, none at all, why?" He nodded his head, as he took another sip of beer. "Well, Grace has been dying to visit you. Maybe we could go do something together on Saturday, since it is my weekend with her." I nodded my head, before smiling at him. "Yeah, That would be just fine." The night continued on like this for a little while, before we both decided it was getting late. He did stay the night again, in the guest bed.

The next day
I just walked in the door, as my phone started ringing. Great. I walk over, and sit down on the couch, before checking my phone.
Caller ID- Danno
"Hey, what's up?"
"Just getting home, and I'm planning on watching some tv, and ordering pizza. Did you want to join me?"
"Sure, um... I'll be over in probably an hour. Is that good?"
"Yeah, That will be just fine. I'll see you then, bye."
End call-

Half an hour later
I haven't moved from the couch, since I sat down. I have been doing really well, since Danny, and I started hanging out regularly. I can feel my self, kind of drifting off to sleep. This is odd, because I don't even feel tired. Well, I guess I can take a little nap, before Danny shows up. I finally give into my tiredness, and feel my eyelids become droopy. I can hardly keep my eyes open, I'll just take a little nap I guess. With that I just completely let my mind relax, and go blank.

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