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There's a hint of weary in every face I meet, it reflects in their eyes. The fear, worry, and vulnerability.

The whole pack prepares for the coming war, right after the corpses of the guards burnt in the river. They hide the children, pregnant woman inside the castle's basement with supplies. Cries erupt as they bid farewell to the battalion of werewolves who are leaving with Kruel, a goodbye with uncertainty of seeing each other's faces after this battle.

My eyes automatically search for Kruel. When I saw him with his family, his arctic eyes quickly catch mine.

I can feel how his family's stare bores at me as Kruel walks towards my direction. I can help but to think of them blaming me on the back of their head for this. I meet their eyes one by one. Domi and Vina noods and me as a greeting while Lemon waves her hands. Orange and the Beta turns their back and left the circle without any hesitation and I turn my eyes at them. 

"Uhm." I clear my throat and turns my gaze up at the man in front of me. "What?"

I'm still mad at him despite everything. My father clearly wants to take me back, and Kruel is clearly despised that idea. 

"You're staying here with Grandpa and Orange."

I almost roll my eyes. What would I expect? "No, I want to go with this pack and go back home. Can't you see it? My Father is demanding you to turn me over and you simpleton individuals saying that he demands war--"

"That's how werewolves declare war, Aurora. We declare war against your pack the time we trespass it to get you. What they just did to us is a response to such invitation."

My jaw drops. "Y-You're losing your mind. Trust me, Kruel. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Everything is already planned. All you have to do is to cooperate. Stay here and please. . ." He trails off, and his index finger tickles my jaw. His mismatched eyes are now showing concern. ". . . Be safe."

"No," I protest and brush off his finger off my face. "I'm leaving with you, go back home, and will stop all of these! This is so unfair. You can't risk another life."

"Just listen to me, crazy woman." He places a quick kiss on my forehead and left me stunned. This is the most romantic kiss I've got in the middle of an argument.

I blink as I recover. He's now leaving with his warriors. "You are a fvcking idiot!"

He shrugs.

"You're being unreasonable!" I shout again before he disappears.

"If being unreasonable means loving you, then Kruel is undoubtedly willing to be the most unreasonable person alive," a familiar voice speaks with a hiss while patting my shoulder.

When I turn my look at him. A mischievous smirk plasters his face.

"Hey, Gin." I greet dryly. "You're being cheesy. It's gross."

Leaving him and goes to the vacant couch. I slam myself on it. 

"Oh, rich girl, I'm dead serious. Kruel did this all just because of you."

"You can't convince me with your bullshits, Gin. Kruel provoke my Father, so he can get a chance to kill him, to seek revenge. That's it."

"Kruel is much worse than you thought, if you were right."

"He's the worst."

"He probably would kill you and his family instead of killing Parallax. He can't let his archenemy die and rest, he made them suffer alive. Kruel is much smarter than that."

My brows bump further into a frown. My mind is now debating. If Gin is right about Kruel vengeance tactic, I should be dead by now. And why am I still alive? Why is he taking the risk of lives from his pack that he had once chosen over me?

"That's absurd. I almost believe you." 

He let out a heavy sigh. "For fvck's sake, Aurora. My Alpha never takes the at risk ever since, until you came. . . And this happens. There is no single day that Beta and Alpha don't fight because of you. Kruel respect Beta so much, but now, they drift apart. He choose you over this pack, but now you're the one who choose otherwise!"

"Wow, they drift apart because of me. So, so comforting." I comment sarcastically and face him. "Tell me, did that Alpha instruct you to stay here because he thinks you can convince me with your unbelievable speeches?"

His lips purse. "No," he intently replies.

I laugh. "Why is it so hard to trust anyone today?"

"Listen, I'm telling the truth. I'm going to be a father, you know. He ordered me to watch after my family and not to ask you to believe us. I am now happy, more determined, and stronger."

I stare at him for a moment. Trying to find a right word to respond. A part of me is happy for Gin, and a part of me is feeling the guilt of accusing him. 

"You're going to be a father. Well. . . Good for you."

"I hope everything I've said made sense to you. Wouldn't be this happy if it weren't because of you. I owe you a lot, Aurora."

"Hah." Letting out one syllable laughter. "About that proposal. That's a small thing."

"A small thing that means a lot to me. I'm beyond grateful, rich girl. A person who as amazing as you are deserved to be happy."

I'm not crying. I said, I'm not crying. I want to disagree with him, but he's right. I did nothing wrong. I have no idea why the universe is shattering me again and again when I also deserve to be happy like everyone else.

For the past few days and month, my brain seems forgotten how to live because it was busy finding a way how to survive.

"L-Leave me alone," I utter. "Please, Gin. I would rather appreciate it."

"I'm still your friend, you seem like a sister to me. I want you to know I won't leave you alone, but I'll give you space to think about what I've said." He stands up and about to leave, but he freezes and face me once again. "Can I ask you one thing?"

Wiping the tears off my face. "Go ahead," I reply without looking at him.

"Can you please stop lying to yourself?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop lying you were happy back there when you really not."

I instantly get what is he talking about. I'm always been a good liar to myself since the night I left Austerei. I keep on convincing myself everything is normal since I went back to my usual human world. I keep lying I am contented with the new life I was having in Strangestone with my family, but it wasn't. A lot of things in me change as I stayed here. 

Austerei still feel like home. Everytime I roam my eyes around this room, everytime I seen those familiar faces of some unknown names. 

This pack is my home, and my thoughts just aren't.

"See you around, rich girl." Gin swings around.

"Wait, Gin!" I stops him. 

"Yeah?" He turns to face me once again.

"I need your help." I stands up. 

He stares at me for seconds. I stares at him back, letting the stare speak for themselves. "Oh man," he mouths and scratches his eyebrow. "Not again."

"Please? I have to stop them before it got worse. They can't hurt me. I promise." I did my very convincing face with wide eyes. 

Gin refuse at first, but in the end, I receive the most favorable answer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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