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Quiet and quick. I have no idea what he is planning to do. But he's here right beyond me, interlocking our hands while sneaking out of the palace with our brown cloaks.

A couple of guards appear as he quickly pulls and hugs me to hide on the wall.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask in a hush voice.

He hush. "Shh. . . It's a surprise," he murmur as his warm breath brushes my hair.

Footsteps come closer and closer to us. I close my eyes shut, silently holding my breath while crossing my finger so we won't be caught.

Once those footsteps pass across us, we both sigh in relief and went out from hiding.

We return waIking, but this time, we're levelling each other.

I elbow his ribs. "Surprise, huh?" I snort, bringing back the conversation. "Sounds not like you."

He grumbles. "I have a house near the woods. No one knows I own it, and I want to stay there with you just for tomorrow."

A house for only two of us. We seem like a married couple right now. Oh god. He's perfect. He's really the man of my dreams. There is no way I won't keep this man.

"You weren't thinking what our children's names would be, are you?" I giggle.


"Yes, baby?"

"Stop the teasing."

"But I want the elder son and a younger baby girl. We will name them Austin and Krim. Hey, what do you think?" I elbow his ribs once again.

His jaw is tense. "Stop it." Speeding up his steps, he looks over his left and right shoulders.

"Or. . . Kreetle," I suggest. "Yes, right. Kruel plus beetle would be Kreetle, or beetle plus Kruel equals BeeKr--uhmm!" Pulling me on the corner, he shut me off by claiming my lips. Pressing me against the wall with his large physique.

I unconsciously wrap my arms around his nape and tiptoes. Pressing myself against him further. Then we break the kiss.

"Stop. The. Teasing." His lips lightly brushes mine as he whispers.

"Yes." I resist the urge to giggle. I nod with a grin. "Right."

We return sneaking out once again until we finally went out of the palace and reach the woods. Moonlight is enough to guide our way to our destination.

We walk, walk, and walk for hours until my legs went tired.

"Holy motherly sugar crap!

"Is that still far? My legs are freaking exhausted!" I complain while stamping my feet after walking against the layers of snows. "We should take a truck or car earlier!"

"Just a mile left," he grumbles as he looks at me over his shoulder. "No truck or car will survive in the middle of the woods, woman. The worse is the palace will notice us leaving."

"Just a mile?!" I groan and lazily march to go after him. "I'm tired of walking and you were just walking beyond me. Seems like you weren't scare if some wild animals might catch me!" I exclaim with a sarcastic laugh. "Such a gentleman! Thank you very much!"

His reply was nothing but silence.

"Really not afraid of losing me, huh? Don't you love me anymore?" I place my hands on the side while saying those statements.

"Annoying pitches can attract more wild animals. Try to check over your shoulder."

I froze.

My face feels like run out of blood.

"T-Tell me you were kidding," I stutter and walk faster to level with him. "Crap. Is that true?" I ask.

Then, his chuckle escape his mouth. "Of course, not. No longer feel exhausted, baby?" He glance at me over his shoulder with a wide smirk.

I purse my lips and throw him daggers. I huff. "I hate you."

He places his arms around my shoulder, covering me under his cloak. "I love you," he murmur and kisses my temple.

I want to strangle him. I should be mad, but now I am holding the urge from smiling. "I owe me your manhood when we reach there," I say, and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Damn that mouth," he groans.

"Do you want to try it here, baby?"

"We're already here."

I froze and slowly turns my eyes to the enormous tree in front of me.

"Wow." I laugh awkwardly. "A giant tree."

He hissed. "Raise your gaze, crazy woman."

I did what he says, and my lips parted as a wooden house stood on top of the giant wood.

The house is not that huge, but also not that small. It is an average treehouse size with one room, one living room and a kitchen. It looks so simple and lovely, with a few fireflies blinking around. I know it would be look lovelier when daytime. I can't wait to get inside.

"I thought I was a mile away."

"I'm just trying to annoy you."

"This is magnificent." I whisper again in astonishment and shift my look at him. I realize he was observing me since earlier. "Can we get in?"

He smiles. "Of course."

We get in and spend another passionate night together.

How I wish it would never last.

Smiling like an idiot, I drop the sliced potato into the pot and the other ingredients I am not familiar with. Humming, singing a random song even if I am out of tone.

There is no lively than the thought of him waking up on my bed and having a hot morning session with. God. It is three times better than having millions of followers and having thousands of dollar worth of shopping.

Arms suddenly wrap around my waist as his warm breath blows around my neck. It also fills my nostrils as I gasp.

"Good morning." After adjusting his body to press against my back, he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning, handsome." With a bright smile, I look at him over my shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"What are you cooking?" he asks after turning his gaze on the boiling pot.

"Potato soup with lettuce and peppermint." He suddenly unwrap his arms around to distance himself from me and looks taken aback.

"What kind of goddamned dish is that?"

"It is still a potato soup with a bit of experiment," I brag with a proud smile. Staring at the pot, he tightens his jaw. "Is. . . Is there something wrong?" I ask.

Then, there was silence, a deafening silence.

It took him seconds before he replies with a grumble. "Woman," he says. "You know I love you damn fvcking much. . . but I don't trust your cooking. Leave the kitchen, and I will sort everything out."

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