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We ate our breakfast together, my face still flush in embarrassment. It feels awful to think he’s more knowledgeable about cooking than me. I regretted spending my twenty years throwing dad’s money just to buy what I want, instead of learning how to cook.

We went to the lake a few distances from the treehouse, spending our whole day there ice skating, snowball fights, building snowman, making out, and watching winter sunsets swallow the darkness.

Time goes by too fast. I never realize it’s time for us to go back to the palace.

Electric generator starts humming from the living room followed by the click of the light switch. Lamp blinks and finally illuminates the whole house.

I roam my eyes around and sit on the wooden sofa. “I don’t want to leave this place,” I say with a sigh.

“Either do I,” he replies and offered me a mug of steaming coffee. When I receive it, he takes a small sip and sits beside me.

“Can’t we stay here for at least a week or two?” I hopefully ask him.

He grumbles. “No.”

“But why not?”

“Beta will look for us soon if we won’t return immediately.”

“Going back early or not, we will still face him.”

“I know. But I already set everything up before our leaving. I asked Gin to visit his grandparents with Orange for just one night and to lie to everyone you go with them.”

“Alright, I get it. But Kruel, think about it. This secret can’t hide forever, so why not tell Beta at once?”

“Because I can’t,” he would mutter.

I shake my head. “I don’t understand. Why is it hard for you to tell everyone about us?”

He squeezes his eyes shut and runs his fingers through his hair. “You don’t have to know.”

“Oh, c’mon. I have a right to know because it’s all about me! It’s all about us,” I gently utter.

He suddenly slams his cup on the table. I almost jump on my seat. “I can’t tell him because I don’t want to lose you, Aurora!”

Gripping its handle tightly until his knuckles turn white. His jaw tightens. Eyes are glaring somewhere. It catches me off guard. “And I don’t want to disappoint him, either, because it means I am also a disappointment in the eyes of my dead father. They want me to be the most powerful, dominant, and the greatest among all werewolves, and I am now. I don’t want to fvck it up just because I dated a human!”

A sudden pang of my chest hit me after hearing his last remark. I am a human. Just a weak human, a damsel in distress, a burden, an image wrecker.

How many times does he have to slap that on my face?

This only means one thing for me; if he’s worrying about us getting caught by Beta because it means losing me, then he already made up his decision fully. He will still choose this town over me.

It means he rather loses me than losing his greatness.

A wise decision.

I bite my lower lip, trying to stop my tears. “You don’t have to remind me that every day, you know.”

This time he spins his gaze towards me and panic. “T-That’s not what I meant.”

He tries to reach me out, but I avoid it. “Shut up, Alpha.”

“I’m sorry.”

I laugh bitterly and cool down my cup by blowing it. “Okay.” Wiping the tears trailing on my eyes, I take a small gulp of brown liquid and shift another distance between us.

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