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There’s only one thing I observe with my father’s character; he is carrying the weight of so much hatred derived and blast it merely for the Austerei pack of east.

Mother, the Alpha, and I are now inside his office. Hayden, my dad, just came out with complete limbs after speaking with him. And when mother and I come in, his talons were buried in the table, almost slice it into pieces while glaring at us.

Mother and I trade glances at the sight of him in that state.

“You cannot be the mate of Austerei’s alpha, Aurora.”

I instantly figure out why he looks so upset. Dropping my gaze to my feet, I reply. “I know. He tried to kill me. I mean, they planned to kill me, at least.”

Mother slaps her hand to her mouth in a gasp. “Is. . . Is that true?”

“I eavesdrop it,” I murmur, and I flinch as father suddenly slams his fist on the table.

“Did they know who you are?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. They thought I am human, a weak-ass hunter. B-Beta wants to get the rid of me because he thinks I am not enough to be the Alpha’s mate.”

“H-How did you get there?” mother interrogate.

“Uhm. . . F-For treasure hunting.” I scratch my arm and I can see her blink twice in my peripheral vision.

There’s a moment of silence.

“Good gracious!” she cries. “How’s it happen?”

“It’s a very long story, b-but. . .” I look at my father and his dark aura bores at me in a deadly way. “. . .oh crap. Okay. It started a stupid way. I submitted pages of different kinds of fully naked man to my teacher instead of my actual thesis. All I heard about her is she hates guys. I never thought she fears male autonomy as well, so yeah. She fainted. She rushed to the university’s clinic and rushed by an ambulance to the city hospital because she has a heart attack. The school kicked me out of the university after hearing what I did. The happening is stressing me out so stayed at my best friend’s house to cheer me up. And I unfortunately found my boyfriend is freaking cheated on me with her, so I left them crying and went back home. When I reach home, I saw dad waiting for me, so pissed and upset. It’s because of what I did in my university.

“Oh god. I don’t want to reminisce that memory . . . b-but that evening came up so bad. We’re shouting at each other that night and I was surprised when he told me I was not his d-daughter. I felt so betrayed and ashamed. So I ran and packed up on my room and left him. A suddenly urge living independent crept me in that evening. While walking like a madwoman in the middle of the LA’s highway, flier slaps my face about the hiring of treasure hunters. So I applied, and got scammed.” I lower my voice in the last statement, resisting the urge to scream different types of profanities in frustration.

Damn all of them! Damn this fate!

“You are an imbecile,” father’s words pierced on my chest like a dagger.

“I. . . I know.” I bite my lower lip. “I am fully aware I suck on making decisions. That’s why I’m trying to make it right.”

Father heaves a sigh and strengthens his spine. “Don’t even dare to come close to Austerei once again. They are our nemesis. Whenever they’ll try to come close to you, you should kill them.” He places back his hands on the table and leans forward. “Don’t let them lay a single finger on you. Are we clear?”

This is bullshit!

Our story is already Beauty and the Beast-theme. I can’t swallow the fact that it will turn into Romeo and Juliet.

“I still don’t understand why,” I murmur.

He slams a fist onto the table. “Austerei wants to take everything we had, including our pack. They even tried to take you away from us when you were just an infant! And I will not let them to succeed! We, Strangestone pack of north, will be the first one to end their kinds!”

His remark makes my chest race behind my ears.

“What if I can’t do what you’ve told me? W-What if I’m incapable of killing someone?”

“Think about him killing you if you won’t!”

“What if I suck in making decisions one more time because. . .because I love him?”

“Love is an illusion, Aurora! It will poison your brain and tortures every inch of your bones in the end!”

Silence is my only reply. I can’t argue with that statement because, hell, he’s right. He’s freaking right. I am feeling it right now. I want to hating him and wants of forgetting what I felt for him stuck inside my brain, but some part of it wants to love him despite of that.

Crap. I can’t love him at hate him more at the same time. It feels like an icepick pierced in my chest in multiple times.

I bite my lower lip further in an extreme anxiety.

I feel like crying. It feels so bad.

“Will this end? Can I still forget him? It sucks! I can’t live like this forever,” I croak and shakes my head. Mother wraps her arms around me into a hug, and my eyes instantly burns follows by a warm liquid rolls down my cheeks. I turn my eyes to look at her, then turn my gaze to catch my father’s eyes. “This will end, right? Tell me!”

“I know everything will alright, dear. You will be alright,” mother convince.

“Love is untrue, it will be forgotten and it will fade,” father grumbles. “Stop shedding tears over that simpleton. You have a lot of energy to save for tomorrow’s.”

I wipe my tears off my cheek and nod. “R-Right.”

“You may go and take a rest. Don’t let anyone see or hear the sight of you crying. Our blood was known as fierce and never shed tears over anything. Don’t be such a disgrace, Aurora,” he reminds. “And tonight is full moon. Try to shift in your wolf as soon as possible. Late shifting is such a shame for a heiress like you."

“Okay.” Swallowing a huge lump in my throat, I reply. “Will do, f-father.”


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