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Knees are trembling. My whole body was shaking, yet I continued pacing against the thick layers of snow together with my crappy Louis Vuitton suitcase.

I’m done. I’m done slapping myself. I only end up hurting! They are right, if you can’t wake up from a nightmare, maybe you’re not asleep.

I gritted my teeth. “No. This is a nightmare! Werewolves aren’t real, they’re just a fragment of myths . . . They don’t exist! And I’m not a werewolf hunter!” I repeated, trying to comfort myself. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. My tears shed again. I shook my head. “B-But ... I just saw it with my own eyes. They’re real, freaking real. I heard they can sense my smell. Oh god. They will feast my gorgeous body anytime soon and … and ... I haven’t told them about my death wish yet.” I gasp an air and wiped my tears. I started ringing my bestie’s number afterwards.

Please answer the phone. I will ghost you if I’ll die without leaving my death wish yet.

A series of missed calls passed, still no one picked up the phone. So there’s only one choice left; voicemails.

“I know I was so evil to you. I’m not sending this to apologize because you deserve it, after all. . . I can’t still forgive you, but please, do me a little favor before I die.” My voice cracked. I almost choke on my breath and nearly stumbled. “This is not supposed to happen, but I . . . I just saw them knitting my fellow hunters. I know it will also happen to me soon. Consider this as my death wish, or a last will testament, or whatever, okay? First, in my vigil, I don’t want my body to lie inside the coffin if they do not make it with gold or clear diamonds . . . and please, make me more beautiful even in my grave. My white gown should be gorgeous and so as my make up and flowers, or else, my soul can’t be quiet.

“My tarpaulin pictures shouldn’t look like a shit. So please choose the most beautiful photo of mine. I don’t want to get insulted in own freaking vigil, oh please, I so sick within it-- and take note: Gia, Candy, Anne, and Kailyn are not allowed in my vigil because I might pull their hair and take them with me, up to heaven or down to hell! You hear me?” I half shouted in the last line, but I burst into tears again.

“I’m too young to face death, you know. I still want to have babies with my love of my life, Axel, even if he always looks disappointed every time he sees my bare chest and suddenly jumps out of bed, leaving my pinned in the mattress. D*mn it, Alora, bestie. I love Axel so much. But I know you also liked him, so since I’m dying, you can have him now. You don’t need to hide the affair between each other. You don’t have to stab me behind my back and laugh about my crappy chest. Oh . . . f*ck both of you.” I sniffed an air. “I will. . . I will bring this wrath even if I am buried six feet below the ground! Or even in hell! Or even-- “

I my forehead bumped against something hairy and soft, and my feet automatically froze as I heard someone growled.

Suitcase dropped.

I raised my gaze and saw an enormous dog figure towering me. Corners of its mouth lift, not for a smile, but in furious. Yes, he’s glaring at me.

It reminds me of Alora’s grumpy bull dog. I know it’ll be a tremendous insult to the dog in front of me because compared to bull dogs, this dog is quite adorable.

Wait . . . is it really a dog?!

It may look like huskies, but it is bigger than huskies. It must have a rare breed, because it looks so hot.

Hot dog.

It sounds yummy.

My body stiffened even more as he lowered his head closer to me, until I felt his breath sniffed my neck. My eyes widen.

I blinked and distanced myself from him. He grumbled because of what I did.

“Uh, hi? What’s up, d-doggy?” A nervous smile crept my face. He didn’t reply. “Are you . . . lost?”

He glared at me. His mouth lifted more and growled once again. It blown my hair away from my face.

My chest thumped rapidly, my knees trembled. My whole cells are now shouting for help. But there’s a part of me found it hot.

Oh Lord, please. This can’t be a werewolf. They can’t be this adorable. I might offer my body to them, right here.

Kidding! I was just kidding, Lord. Don’t let that stupid pups feast my gorgeous flesh! That’s far from my dream death. I’m begging you!

I took one step backward.

“You can’t still eat me. I-I tasted like . . . tasted like grass! Yes! Right! I know you won’t like it, because you’re a werewolf and not a werecow. I never ate meats for several years. Look, I’m only skins and bones!--“ I stretched my arms to show my imaginary biceps. “Aside from my the butty flesh, I have the thickest layer of muscles here--“ I slapped my butt. “--but wait. You can’t eat human’s ass, because you could eat some of my poop if you will. Isn’t it disgusting?” I made a face and shook my head.

“You’re a hunter,” a baritone voice uttered came from him, “and that’s enough reason to slaughter you, human.”

“I’m not . . . I’m not a hunter-- I mean, I am a half hunter because I signed a contract to be the hunter but I have no idea it is a werewolf hunting! Please, believe me. I’m begging you. I-I’m just twenty years old! I still have unfulfilled dreams and plans! D*mn it, man, I’m too young to face death! Look at me breast! Look at my breast!” I held my chest with my both hands. His glare turned into a frown as his eyes fall into my chest. I laughed awkwardly. “I . . . change my mind. Stop staring at my bo*bs. I said stop, you pervert pup!” I slapped him.

He suddenly gritted his teeth and let out a loud growl.

My breathing began heavily. I lift my both palms and paced backward.

He also took another step forward, closer to me until my back hit the wood.

He cornered me. I felt hopeless.

My eyes watered again. My visions became blurry. I let out a soft sob and shook my head. Shoulders are shaking up and down.

“I-I’m . . . I’m sorry. I-I . . .”

I fainted. The darkness welcomed me.

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