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“Get up, sleepyhead! You’ve been locking yourself here for decades!” Alora’s shriek annoys the shit of my eardrums. It follows by a hard slam of a pillow. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!”

“Leave me alone,” I mumble. Rolling to lie on my stomach, I cover my head with a pillow to protect from her strikes.

It’s been weeks since I fainted in Alora’s flying car. She woke me up with one hard slap on my face that time and I have not any other doubts. She’s is a real witch.

I never have any courage to go out in the city after that incident. Just locking myself in, crying every evening until midnight, and fall asleep to numb everything out.

What an interesting cycle of life, isn’t it?

“C’mon, get up! Your dad wants to see you!” she cries and still slamming her pillow on me.


“W-What did you say?” Taking off the pillow from my face as I ask her with a frown. My brain isn’t in the condition of working with my ears yet.

“Your dad is in downstairs in his stupid pants,” she freaks out. “And hell, don’t you dare ask me to tell him to leave, I don’t want to have another chat with that weirdo,” she adds.

“No way!” I jump out of bed. I rush out to take a peek in the living room.

“See it? I’m not lying!” she exclaims as I saw my dad sitting on the blue sofa with his usual orange pants while reading newspapers.

“Oh my god. Oh my god!” I rush back in the room and place my hands on my cheeks. Walking back and forth in panic.

Alora folds her arms across her chest. “You should cast him away.”

“What?! Why would I shoo him away? I can’t even at least face him after what he had done.”


“He lied to me. He’s not my father anymore! He spits that he just picked me up in the middle of the forest in front of me face--“


“It makes me look pathetic! Really in the forest, huh?! Do I look like a female daughter of Tarzan?! Bestie, I can’t imagine he said that--“


“My life used to be perfect! What happened to me shouldn’t be happening right now. Oh, my perfect life turns out lies! It turns upside-down when he reveals that I’m just a piece--ouch! That was a fvcking hard slap!” I glare at her while rubbing my right cheek.

Alora widens her eyes, giving me a shut-the-fvck-up look while shifting her eyes from me to the door.

When I turn my gaze to the door, dad with his thin moustache appears on the door frame.

Bumping my brows together, I fold my arms across my chest and leers at him.

“Aw, princess.” He approaches me and is about to crash me with his hugs, but I brace myself.

“No, no, no. Stop doing that.”

His shoulders fell in disappointment. Giving his best to widen his eyes, his lips push forward into a pout. “But princess. . .”

“I am not your princess!” I roar.

“I’m still your dad. You’re still part of me.” He spreads his arms, trying to hug me once again, but I avoid it.

“You are not my dad!”

“I am. Not biologically, but you are still my princess. Please come and let me hug you.”

“No!” I cross my arms. “Tell me which forest did you first saw me. Tell me where my real parents are and I will look for them.”

A trace of panic glints in his eyes. “S-Somewhere. Jesus, I forgot which country is that. Philippines? Malaysia? Netherland--“ My glare at him deepens “N-North Sentinel Island of India--“

“You are such a terrible liar.”

His lips are trembling. He parts, and then closes it again and swallows a huge lump in his throat. Dad sigh and shakes his head. “I-I’m sorry, princess. I can’t tell you. Not now.”

“Bullshits, dad! I’m done with that bullshit! If you are here just to please me to come back home and not to mend your freaking mistakes, you better go the crap out of here.” I point the door.

“I’m sorry,” he repeats. “You will understand this someday.”

“Leave!” I roar.

Dropping his eyes to the floor, he heads to go out of the room. I never left my fuming eyes on him until he disappears in the door.

“Bitchness, that was a fvcking good drama!” I turn my eyes to Alora with her remark. “You improve in acting. I think we can now go theater acting together!”

I throw her daggers. “What I did wasn’t acting, Alora.” I throw my stomach back on the bed.

“B-But you never been that emotional before. No, scratch that, you are never that emotional in that kind of confrontations before. Remember the time when you caught me and Axel kissing? Do you have any idea how bad you're acting that time?”

I groan and drop my face on the pillow. “Thank you for reminding me about that, bitch.” Murmuring against the pillow, I raise my head back to her. “But yeah.” I roll my eyes. “I just imitated the lines of my favorite confrontational movie scene at that time.”

“Yeah, right, as if we didn’t know.” She laughs.

“Oh, shut up. I hate you.”

“I hate you more, bitchness,” she replies and changes the topic. “Do you wanna hang out at Maxie’s party with me tonight? The girls were been looking for you.”

Parties are no longer excites me, honestly. But I don’t want to spend my night here crying over him anymore. Maybe alcohols can give me some help to get over him, at least for a while.

Burying my face on the pillow, I tilted my head towards her. “Yes, will go,” I reply.

She seems taken aback by my sudden agreement. She narrows her eyes at me. “Wait, did you just say you were going?” she clarifies with pointing a finger at me.

I throw her a spiritless look. “I am.”

“Gosh! The girls would be shocked with your sudden presence, bitchness!” she sequels in excitement. “Got to prepare your dress. Talk to yah later. Bye.” Alora, then, disappears in the room.

A/N: i don't feel like writing this scene. Like, goodness! Alora and Mr. Orange pants daddy is totally stranger to me. I should make them a character profile properly. Huhu.

Btw, thank you for reading.

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