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Heartbeats are thumping fast inside my chest. I want to sprint like a lighting spark and lock myself inside my bedroom, but my stupid feet aren’t functioning.

Should I look back, or keep myself unmoving?

I squeeze my eyes shut in frustration. Crap. This is freaking wrong time to talk to him. My make-ups are smudged. I look awful!

“Uhm. . . M-Ma’am?” an unfamiliar sweet voice speaks from behind me. It comes from Kruel’s room.

Creasing my forehead, I finally turn to face her. A red-head young lady wearing the same cloth as mine appears, with a basket of laundries in between her waist and right hand.

“What are you doing in Alpha’s room?”

“T-Today is my c-cleaning schedule,” she shakily replied with lowering her head.

“So where is he?”

“I-I. . . I heard he’s heading to the d-downtown together w-with Ma’am Candrea, Ma’am.”

Crandrea, in the downtown with Kruel. That statement is twisting my stomach. Did they go there on a date? Really confessing his feelings that likes me? Hell, no way!

“Okay, so what’s your name?” I ask, as her reply doesn’t have an effect on me.


“Kristy,” I echo. “When was the last time you ate your favorite food?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest. I learned how the maid’s mind works.

“L-Last year, m-ma’am.”

“Seriously, last year?”

“Y-Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you want to taste that favourite food of your once again?” I ask.

She slowly raises her head with a bright eyes and nods vigorously. "Y-Yes, ma'am."

“Great. Let’s have a deal. Tell me what your favourite food are and that would be your reward if the plan works.”

“I-I’m in!”

Wrinkling my nose at her. “Do you really stutter like that?”

“U-Uhm, y-yeah. I-Inborn."

I nod while giving her a strange look.

“Okay, whatever. Go and put that clothes on the laundry then come back here. I will discuss the deal," I instructed.

“A-Aye aye!” she squels and walk pass me.

But I suddenly remember something.

“Wait." I stop her.

She stops and face me once again.

"Can you tell me what kind of favorite food is that, first?"

“H-Humans, ma’am. I-It’s everyone’s favorite."

Roaming my eyes around in awe as I enter Kruel’s bedroom. Walking around the room and seeing everything here inside is dull shades of gray. King-sized bed is neatly arranged with a cinereous comforter and lightly gray pillows. Book shelves arranged on beside the gray table and swivel chair. A night lamp is also placed on top of the table.

A familiar scent of wood is still lingering in the air. It smells like him. Everything here reminds me of him, especially the dullness of his stare and the color of his one eye.

I’m invading the Alpha’s room, who can appear and murder me anytime. But why does it feel so comforting and secure inside?

I should be the one to seduce him, but why am I the one who is obsessed?

Seducing the DangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz