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I froze, taken aback by his final remark. Rip off my dress. Is there any other meaning behind that statement? Does he mean ripping my dress until I’ll get naked?

I blinked. “No. Don’t you dare rip my favourite dress.”

“I can. . .” There’s a ‘just wait’ hanged on the air as we heard someone cleared his throat. I turned my hear where it came from and saw a bald old man. Not just an old man, judging by his wrinkled, he’s freaking old.

“You just met last night and now you were arguing like a real couple." He chuckled. It silenced us. It sounds like an end of the universe. Kruel and I can’t be one of those. “But nevermind. Foods are more interesting than watching a dog-show.” He shrugged, started eating.

Kruel and I traded a look. I almost jumped at my seat as I saw him looking at me as well. I quickly shifted my gaze away in a leer and served my own food.

The old man is also the one who started the conversation. He introduced me to what did Kruel called ‘in commands’, and I realized it was his family.

The old man introduced himself as Dominador. He also intoduced Vina, Kruel’s sweet aunt. Nicholas, the one who keeps on giving me the same distaste look since we met in the tunnel, is the Beta, the second command. He is also Kruel’s uncle, Vina’s husband.

The old man’s enthusiasm in introducing them made me cheerful as well. He introduced the gothic girl whom I think the same age as mine, named Orange, and her twin sister named Lemon.

I can’t help but to comment. “Wow, I consider calling you citrus twins.” I grinned.

Vina, Lemon, and Dominador chuckled, while the gothic twin burned me with her glare. Well, I think she and I can’t be best friends.

I shrugged that thought off. The conversation shifted into me. Granddad Dominador asked what my name was.

“Oh, I forgot.” I grinned. “I’m Aurora Crimson.” I couldn’t take the risk of spilling about which place I came from, as much as I want to boast my princess-like life in LA way back then. All the ears were listening to me, and being a human in a werewolf town isn’t the one I should be proud of.

“Aurora. . . Such a lovely name.”

“Oh. Thank you, granddad.” I returned a sweet smile.

The smile on granddad Dominador’s face dropped. Kruel coughed as well as Nicholas drank a glass of water, while the three women stared at me with a parted mouth. My smile also dropped into a frown after processing their reaction. “Did I. . . Did I say something wrong?”

“You did,” Dominador said. “Call me Alpha or Domi, and I will forget what you called me earlier.”

“Oh.” I laughed awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I really am. Yes. Right. Alpha or Domi, it is. Domi is a nice name abbreviation, so I preferred calling you that.” I nodded while smiling.

Grandad--I mean, Domi grinned back. “Good.”

I sighed in relief.

He then change the context of the conversation, about a ton of stuffs, about their life here, random policies, tradition, and social-class. And I realized, werewolves aren’t that bad, they also lived like us humans. They eat the same food as human ate, but the must to feed their wolf, so they must go for hunting animals.

Domi instructed Kruel to show me around the town tomorrow. A part of me jumped in excitement, but he just said I would be with Kruel alone.

I throw him a glance. He caught each other’s eyes once again avoided our gaze in unison.

He never talked much, nor protest after Domi’s order. He returned being silent after. Kruel seemed busy minding his own business. He’s busy checking my thigh. I caught him most of the time.

The dinner went over. We separated our ways and I go up to my room, followed by Kruel that was currently behind me.

I was having a difficulty in breathing because of the way he looks at me. This man is giving me a heart attack.

I reached my room, followed by him. He locked the door with a click.

“What do you want?” I quickly asked, folding my arms across my chest.

“You.” His voice is hoarse. His mismatched eyes are fixed on me. He took a step closer.

“What. . .are you talking about? What’s your problem?” I took a step backward. My heart is hammering behind my ears, louder than earlier. He cornered me with his both arms as I hit my back on the cold wall.

“You! You are my problem.” Leaning closer and closer until our face almost touch an inch closer. My knees went weaker. I tried to push him away, but it didn’t shake him. My lungs are now shouting for air. Our heavy breath met. I could feel how my whole face flushed. “I don’t want this. Stop punishing me. Stop being seductive.”

I don’t get what he was saying. The air he exhale while he was talking was tingling me.

“I’m just being myself. . .b-but okay," I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat. I can't help to shift my gaze towards his parted lips.

He grumbled. “I loathed you!”

I almost jumped as he slammed his fist against the wall right beside me. And the next thing he did . . . is stormed out of the room.

I held my hammering chest, trying to calm myself down. Staring at the door, puzzled.

He almost did it. He almost kiss me. I’m not imagining things!

The alpha is attracted to me.

I grinned.

I think I already found a way how to get out of here.

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