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My mind is still cloudy, couldn’t think straight, seemed too weak to protest as Kruel ordered to take me back to my room. I locked myself in there and cried the whole day.

The evening came. I finally stopped crying. I was now pacing back and forth, planning a way how to get out of this hell. I even tried to dial Alora's number, trying my luck, but unfortunately, this place doesn't had a signal.

I froze as the door cracked open. Revealing the man who owned a pair of mismatched eyes.

No one dared to speak. I’m was staring at him and he was observing me. No one seemed to dare to break the eye contact either.

Kruel entered and locked the door with a click. I noticed he finally brought my suitcase with him.

I threw my gaze towards the air and sat on the floor beside the king-sized bed, curling my legs up and bracing them with my arms.

“I brought it here, as you’ve ordered.” He nearly sound like a guilty child after stealing my gummybears.

“I know, and shut up. Leave me alone.”

“I want to talk to you.” His voice is sturdy as ice of Atlantic.

“Y-You just killed lives right in front of me and you expect me to talk to you?”

“I have to kill them.”

“You intentionally killed them for me to watch it!” Harshly stood up and clenched my fist.

“I never told you to watch it.”

“But I told you to stop!” I can't hold my temper. I marched towards him and pointed with my index finger towards his chest. “But you still did it.”

“I don’t follow anyone’s order.”

This guy is unbelievable.

“You . . .” Breathing heavily in anger. I gritted my teeth. “I hate you! You are a monster!”

“I know,” he murmured. “If that’s what you think of someone who was doing that, then I am. That’s my duty, to be a monster. I can’t let them run off once again because they already did that. The only choice to keep us safe is to get the rid of hunters. That’s what everyone’s expect me to . . .”

“Shut up. Drop it! I don’t wanna hear your excuses. I . . . will never forgive you.”

There was a moment of silence. I could hear nothing but my heartbeat and gasps of air. He really went silent as I ordered, but his eyes, behind its coldness of those mismatched blue and gray eyes, they are telling me one thing.


“Too bad.” He avoided his gaze and slid his hand into his pocket. “I never went here to ask for forgiveness.”


“I killed them and they deserve it. And that’s not what I want to talk about, why I came here.” Great. What do I expect? This is him, the heartless alpha. He never felt sorry. He’s not hurt. I’m just imagining things. I’m so stupid. “Prepare yourself. Dress-up appropriately, I will going to introduce you to the whole in commands. Don’t keep the dinner waiting.”

Then he slammed the door shut, leaving me with a huge question mark plastered on my face.

Pale blonde hair faintly falls on the back. Blue almond eyes are still looking tired and swollen, but my concealer and eyeshadows did a great job, it lessened. My face, are a typical pale added with a light foundation and highlighter to highlight my high cheekbone and nose. My plump lips are now shaded with a maroon, for fits my mood right now. Dark. But looking at my whole face, maroon lipstick did a great job of making me look fierce.

I fixed the hem of my black strapless fitted dress that merely covers my skin from my upper breast down to the four inches above the knee. I also brushed my hair down.

Taking the last glance at my reflection, and find myself ready. Leaning closer to the body-sized mirror as I took an addition of maroon lipstick and squeezed my lips together to fix it.

I left the room with all of my courage, proceeding to the dinning with the two guards on my both sides.

No idea what will be happening later, but I’ll be better preparing myself. I will never allow them to hurt me. Over my dead body.

They froze. The whole dining room was staring at me. I can see it from where I was standing. Heads turned in my direction with their eyes full of suspicion. Including the maids forming the line in the corner, and so as the guards. But except for Kruel, who is facing his back.

He slowly turned his head to face me, and our eyes locked. Those eyes are cold as usual, emotionless, too hard to read. Almost hard to read because judging by the glint of his eyes, I can see adoration behind it. It was hot and dark, covered by cold, mismatched pairs. Eyes landing from my head to toe, he seemed studying every inch of me. It was freaking melting me. He seemed devouring every inch of me behind his head. I can feel it . . . or not.

Yes, they’re not. I’m just imagining things. And I should stop.

His slightly parted mouth cracked open, and then closed it again, and opened it once again and spoke. “I told you to dress appropriately.”

Rolling my eyes behind my back, I sat the empty seat beside him. “This,” I say, “is an appropriate dress for me.”

“It isn’t.” He glared at me.

“It is.” I glared back.

“It isn’t.”

“It is.”

“It isn’t.”

“It is.”

Eyes are still staring at me, fuming. “It isn’t, and I will rip that dress goddamned dress if you don't shut up," he growled.

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