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Gin never been intimidate me despite of his huge size. He is being supportive of my seducing the alpha operation and it made me think if he’s really his subordinate or not. And him, being able to understand my humor is a bonus.

We shifted the topic from Kruel and laughed most of the time.

Our conversation was cut off by someone who cleared its throat.

“Erm,” a low-toned, yet feminine voice interrupted.

Colors of Gin’s face drained as he noticed the woman behind me. “O-Orange.” He stood up.

My head snapped towards her as well.

“I beg pardon to interrupt your moments,” she emphasize the word ‘moments’ with a visible distaste on her tone, “but Alpha wants to give you this.” Handing me a piece of folder paper, it was half crumpled with her tight grip.

“What is this?”

“Letter, obviously.”

Taking the paper from his hand, I frowned. “Letter?”

Who the hell would still use letters in these times? The alpha, of course.

“I hate talking. Just toss it in the bin if you don’t want it.” She stormed out of the kitchen.

Turning my eyes towards Gin, I Iook puzzled. Jaw tightened, looked frustrated. His eyes don’t leave on gothic lady until I no longer heard her steps.

My curiosity about the letter was lost in my mind.

“What’s with that face?” I asked.

He sighed. “I’m not allowed to touch my mate after four years ago incident. Now she looked jealous and I’m still not allowed to talk to her. I fvcking hate my life.” He run his fingers through his hair and sat back in his chair.

Raising an eyebrow. “You liked her?”

“No, I love her, but her beast cousin threatened my life after seeing us fully naked in bed. I know it’s me fault. She’s fvcking sixteen years old that time and took advantage of her.” He pressed his mouth with a can of beer.

I blinked. “Really?” I laughed awkwardly. “Well, a boy named Paul Howard took my vCard when I was fifteen. He also stole my underwear to show that to his dad so he could get his reward promised by his asshole father. Mine is the worst.” I stab the onion left on my plate, thinking that it was Paul’s crotch, before turning my eyes on him.

Gin spit out his beer, followed with coughs. He choked on his beer.

“D-Did. . .” Coughs, “. . . Kruel knows that?”

I wrinkled my nose and bit my lips. “Nope. He looked uninterested."

“Heavens!" he exclaimed. "That Paul Howard is dead!”

I shrugged and started to unfold the said letter. “Well, drop that topic. I wonder what kind of drugs did Kruel maintain? Why would he need to send this if he can still talk to me face to face instead?”

“He used to writing than talking. Just like Orange.” I could see how he twitched his mouth after mentioning the lady he loves.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right, lover boy,” I teased as I turned my eyes down to the written letter with a frown.

‘Will do 7 hours ride to attend my acquaintance’s memorial. Behave. -Alpha Kruel’

There’s a moment of silence passed as Gin spoke. “What’s with that face?”

Hey, that was my line.

“Uh. Do Kruel really had an acquaintance’s memorial, or this just made up?”

Let be this made up, please. Let him be around here in this enormous palace, hiding in his cave.

“Ah! That must be his friend’s memorial. He used to go to the South every year.”

My eyebrows bumped together in a frown. “Really without me?” Crumpling the paper by my hands, I shook my head in disapproval and heaved a sigh.

He chuckled. “He’s avoiding you.”

“How many days will he stay there?”

“A week, maybe, or three.”

My shoulders fell in disappointment. Anxiety rushed through my veins. “That long? Is there any way to get him back more early?”

I will miss him. No, I am missing him.

“Last two years are just 3 days, rogues’ attack brought him back. Half of the town burned up.” He shrugged.

I groaned. The alpha is clearly won’t come back early if nothing urgent happen on his lovely habitat, or what they called ‘pack’. Oh goodness. No wonder why he’s too serious and no fun!

“I can’t make rogues’ attack and burn up the half of the town.” Crumpling the piece of paper even more. I stood up, brushing my forefinger on my chin. “But wait. . . What do you think if I would go after him?”

“Traveling to the South is too dangerous for humans.”

Just because I live with them, doesn't mean I am one of them. It silenced me for a whole and made me think.

“Right. I can’t go after him nor burn up the half of the town. But wait. . . I can make a tiny unfatal troubles like I typically did! What if I will throw an open party here?” I look at Gin with a brightened eyes.

His eyes widened in horror. He shook his head slowly in disapproval. “Oh, no. That’s a bad idea.”

“C’mon. Don’t ruin my excellent plan. Think. We would be expecting troubles, and we can prepare battalions of armies to control the expected troubles!” Placing my hands on my waist, I sighed and tilted my head. “We can go to downtown, invite a thousand of strangers, make friends, have fun, with a spice of turmoils. I need your help.” Walking back and forth, I spoke, fully determined.

“Your plan is too fvcking risky. When Kruel finds out that I am your accomplice, he will definitely throw me out.”

“Do you trust me?”


Such a smart douchebag. “You want to take Orange on your arms again?”

“Heck, yes!" he answered without hesitation.

I caught him. I smirked. “Well, then. Let’s have a deal.” I placed my hands on the table to lean towards him. “You will help me bring back Kruel’s ass and I will help you with Orange. Is it a deal or a deal?”

Creasing forehead, he stared at me for a long, long second without a blink. I stared back with a lifted eyebrow.

“H-How would you do that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hello? This is me, Aurora Crimson, whom you are talking to, who have a different level of optimism! Don't you really trust me? Your lost." I folded my arms across ng chest.

There is a moment of deafening silence between. Gin seemed debating behind his head with his brows bumped together in a serious frown.


Grinning in victory, I mentally leaped and punch the air. “So it’s settled. Call the maids and armies for the important meeting, buddy. We’ll be buying drinks, neon lights, and a set of large speakers by tomorrow. Remind me to invite the whole party goers of town." I clapped and giggled. "Oh my gosh. This is going to be fun!”

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