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Among all the insults I’ve received, that’s what I can’t stomach. I can’t believe I chewing and finished my plate because of my overflowing rage, and realized I ruined my low-carb diet.

This is all his fault! Oh god. I want to kick his face, and strangle him, and then . . . kiss him--no, no, no. Don’t kiss him, dumbass! Remember you were mad at him.

Cracking my knuckles, I can hear his vague voice from here. Gin and Tan, the two guards, led the way to the place where I could find him. Gin in beyond me, holding the lamp, while Tan is behind me, seems making sure I can't keep away from their watch.

Hah! As if I was planning to escape without getting my suitcase and iPhone that they stole!

Entering the crack of the rusty double door, we finally reached the end of the tunnel.

“There’s no other place for creatures like you in this world aside from hell! You. . . you killed my mother! You merciless son of a--aaack!”

I saw it in my own eyes. The moment I stepped into the room, a familiar boy collapsed from the hand of the man who’s facing his back. Its mouth parted while eyes wide. Until they slowly fell shut--all signs of death.

Shifting my gaze towards the three hunters that are left standing. Glint of fear and anger are visible in their eyes with a mixture of shock after seeing me appeared on the killer’s back.

“Y-You . . . are evil,” a murmur came from the bald but bearded man I remembered named Nathaniel, after bringing his gaze back to the cold-hearted alpha.

“Who the f*ck decided we are evil and you hunters aren’t?” His voice made me swallow a huge lump in my throat. It was cold as ice, and ruthless.

Shoulders moving up and down, Nathaniel gritted his teeth and was about to attack him, but his hand was tied on his back and so as his feet. He struggled. “Just wait, Kruel. Wait until I’ll get out of here. I will ruin all of you more than you ruin us! Mark my--“

He cut off as Kruel, as Nathaniel said, strangled him by the neck. Nathaniel’s neck is broad and stiff, just like his body structure. I even thought he’s a WWE fighter at the first time I saw his beardy egg-like head. But despite of its broadness, Kruel can still clasp it with his long, veiny fingers.

“You’ve already tried several times and failed.” Kruel’s words are a threat in disguise. Lifting the man with his sturdy arm, it struggled. “You know how much I despise threats, especially when they are impossible. No one is dare to threaten me unless they desired death!”

A part of me says ‘wow’ for him lifting the WWE-man. Not underestimating Kruel, he also has a muscular body like beetles, but Nathaniel is way bigger.

He tried to shake himself just to get out of his grip. A sudden shift from anger, I saw a glint of liquid in his eyes.

Okay, this man is a complete asshole and owned a terrible attitude problem. He stopped me from bringing 26 suitcase and that’s one of the most crappy things happened in my entire life, to be separated with my babies! He even called them useless where in fact, they worth billions! He’s a chauvinist! A bast*rd! A d*uchebag! Curse him--yet, I can’t afford to see him die like this. I remembered he had a family.

“Stop!” I exclaimed as their head snapped in my direction except from the man who’s facing his back.

Suddenly want to build my own statue, replacing the Statue of liberty of New York city. I have no idea where my courage came from.

Oh crap. Hello? Is there anyone here who has the heart to either evaporate or burn me into ashes?

Swallowing, I cleared my throat. “Um, I mean. A-Alpha, where is your manners? I thought you were a gentleman.” I narrowed my eyes. “Did you ever know the saying ‘l-ladies first’?” I asked with a hand gesture.

Seducing the DangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon