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My hands were feeling like separating from my wrist, but still struggling against the tightness of the tied rope. My hands were now halfway out, and trying my very force to get off from it as soon as possible. It was tight as fvck. My hand finally feels how it felt when wearing a corset.

Trying to get my hand out once again, but my hand seemed reached its very compressing point. It is no longer moved even by a millimeter.

I can do this!

Wincing in agony, I pull off my hand with my full force and a great pain endurance. Until my hand slid free from the tie.

I, Aurora Crimson, the queen of seduction, resourcefulness, and optimism. The rumored bitch who faked her boobs inside her university and got caught up after two years because of her crappy best friend, a survivor of cheating, werewolves, and days without an internet connection--has now escaped from the tightness of these crappy ropes.

I raised my beautiful but bruised hands in the air with a grin spreading across my face.

Now that I my aching hands are free, I can easily untie my feet, and I will find any other ways to get out of here.

The door suddenly cracked open. My shoulders leaped and placed my hand back to its original position with a snap.

I almost had a heart attack. I tried to recover very quickly by slowing down my breathing and by letting out a low whistle.

“Oh, hey,” I greeted as he walks in. “Freezy weather, isn’t it?”

The Kumo fighter gave me a strange look while heading to the corner where a small table is located, with a quake. Snatching the leather jacket he’ve left on the table, he asked. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking you would die in the next two hours, so I think you deserve me talking to you very nicely.” I smiled, calming myself even if my heart was hammering behind my ears.

His frown crumpled further. “Fvck?”

“Oh, brother. It means I forgave you for kidnapping me. Tell your accomplices I’ve forgiven them as well, so I would be pleased.” I bowed.

“Fvck it,” he whispered and swung his jacket to his shoulder. “The rumors are all true; the alpha’s mate is mentally ill.”

What the hell? Me? Mentally ill? Werewolves are no difference between people I’ve met in LA! Damn them!

I pursed my lips, trying to hide my anger. “If that’s what you call ‘nice’ and ‘kind’, then I am, brother,” I uttered with a smile instead of jumping and strangle him while saying, ‘tell me who’s that bitch spreading fake news about me or I will cut your throat!’

He looks at me in horror with a shake of his head. “The alpha should add a new college course for aspiring psychiatrists.”

I can’t take it anymore. This creep was testing my very patience into the tiniest line.

Ears are fuming in rage, like a kittle. I folded my arms across my chest. “Will you die if I’ll choke you to death?” I narrowed my eyes in a glare.

Looking at me from the face, his gaze slowly fell on my chest.

Wait. . . a minute. Why is he looking at my boobs?

He smirked. “Got you.”

With narrowed eyes, I followed his eyes down to my not so satisfying chest.

Until my gaze reached my crossed arms.

Crossed arms.

That was when I knew my victorious joy only last for a second.

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