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Rough finger gently stroked across my cheek down to my jaw awakened my consciousness. I yawned. It suddenly took off.

Opening my eyes in a millimeter, as saw a blurry silhouette of a muscular man standing stiffly beside my bed.

He cleared his throat. “You’re awake,” a familiar arctic voice uttered.

Arctic voice.

I suddenly leaped to sitting from lying on bed, with a widened eyes. A man with dull black hair with a cold mismatched eyes plastered on my sight.

His face was no longer bruised than the last time I saw him. He’s perfectly fine with no hint of him fighting with his fellow beast.

And what about me?

Touching my face down to my body, up to my neck. “Holy crap?” I cursed as I felt no sore from it. It seemed like did not wound at all. “H-How did that happen? I should be dead now, shouldn’t I?”

“After bringing the throne hall into chaos and making me leave my unfinished business in South, then yes, you’re right. You should be dead right now if I didn’t stop the in-commands from disposing you.”

My forehead creased. “Sorry?” My voice was hoarse. I just really woke up.

“You should teach you a lesson, woman. We did not tolerate such stubborn behaviour of yours.”

My lips parted and close it back. What the hell is this? He returned to his old dickhead self.

“You’re confusing, aren’t you? The last thing you told me is to stay alive after I got my neck got cut by those douchebags, and now you’re lecturing me about these. Is that how you show your happiness at seeing me awake?” I complained, folding my arms across my chest.

“I,” he spoke, “have no idea of those.”

“What are you talking about? I know you do!” I pointed at his chest. “You even came to save me from Ethan and your traitor warriors. You killed them, after seeing them cutting my throat. You beg for me to stay alive. You. . . You said you liked me--“

“That is the most absurd story I’ve ever heard,” he interjected. “You must me in a deep bad dream, a product of alcohols you intake last night. I could also see some dried salivas on your chin from here.” He folded his broad arms across his chest.

I froze and check me chin. I glared my embarrassment out.

Oh god. Him, saving me, is truly a fragment of a dream, even though it feels so real. It feels so real, but impossible. This man is too far to be nice.

I really want to punch his gut right now.

“Get out.” I yelled, pointing at the door. “I said, get out of my room! Out!”

“You’ve forgotten I don’t follow anyone’s order--“

“Get out or I’ll shout you’re sexually harassing me!”

“Only fools would believe you.”

“I will strip in front of you to make it believable! Let’s see if they would still believe in you--“

“Fine!” he gave up. Dropping his folded arms back to his sides and marched out of the room. The door was still cracked open as he uttered his last remarks. “The chaotic hall is waiting for you to clean up. Wear the clothes I left on the table or you will goddamned clean the whole castle. I will wait for you in the dining.” Then, he closed the door with a thud.

My lips parted, but no words of protest came out. I slowly moved my gaze towards the baby blue garments that are folded perfectly on the table. It looks so familiar, but I can’t determine why.

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