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The morning came, daylight woke me up with glee. I took a bath, that’s my first step how to survive, so simple, so smart. Me being seductively fresh will be his ruin.

The next step is to dress up, of course. But the moment when I finally opened my luggage, a set of unfamiliar dress appeared in my sight instead of my dresses.

“What the heck?!” Lifting the pair of jumper jeans in the air, my jaw dropped. I can’t remember having a jumper since birth! I can’t remember having this kind of clothes! Loose t-shirts? Jeans?! “You gotta be kidding me!”

Three consecutive knocks came from the door, followed by the baritone voice. “Rich girl, Alpha gave you minutes to dress up appropriately. He also instructed us to take you to dining to eat breakfast and meet him in the garage once you are done.”

“No!” I cried. “Tell him to shut up because I will never be wearing these!”

“You have so many choices of clothes inside the wardrobe,” Gin replied.

“Whom are you trying to fool?! There is no wardrobe . . . here.” My eyes caught a huge wooden wardrobe in the very corner of the room. I felt the hair on my nape stood up even if I haven’t seen what kind of clothes beneath it.

“Found it?”

“Trust me. If this closet still contains jeans and t-shirts, I will kill him!”

I huffed and marched towards the wardrobe. I snapped it open and a numerous type of clothes, including footwear, appeared. The dresses cover too much skin, it doesn’t fit my fashion type. I would make me look like a demon dressed up like a nun.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. Think, Aurora, think! I know you’re smart. I glance at the closet once again and a brilliant idea pop-out.



“We’re friends, right? Friends help each other. Breath if you agree.”

There is a long pause. “Yes. What’s wrong?”

“Can you get me some shear or scissor?”

“Sure. No prob.”

I grinned. That’s it.

Optimism, that is one thing I should be proud of.

“Good morning!” Swaying my hips, I walked along the concrete hallway towards the arctic alpha who’s leaning against the car.

If only looks could burn, I might be turning into ashes now. Drawing nearer to him until we are now a foot apart from each other.

“You are stubborn.” His baritone voice is cold as ice, but I could feel his frustration.

I gave him my sweetest smile. “This is called fashion genius. Open the door please, gentleman.” I ordered with a clap.

I heard him growl and did what I said. My grin curved wider and flipped my hair onto his face before sitting on the front passenger seat. He slammed the door shut with a glare.

He started the engine. My shoes vibrated. The car starts moving forward.

“So, where are you going to take me first? I’ve heard that most of the infrastructure here is Victorian style, but the life here is modern; does it mean you had super-malls here?”

“We had, but I will not going to take you there.” The black double gate is wide open as we finally go out of the residence. Trees and snows and a few houses welcomed us. As I glance at the rear mirror, I saw the full image of the Victorian palace we came from.

Seducing the DangerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin