Lincoln's birthday

Start from the beginning

Leni getting herself cleaned up

We came to rock the party all night long

Suziko washing her hands

So party people won't you sing that song

Akari walking out of the bathroom with nice clothes on and tying her hair into a bun

We came to rock the party all night long

Kenji and Yui putting away the ladders, stools and things like that

And keep it live till the break of dawn

Everyone gathered in the living room.

"Alright. Everything setup? Yes? Great!" Suziko said. That's when they heard a knock on the door. "That must be them! Everyone hide!" Suziko whispered as she turned out the light. 

As everyone hid in a corner, a door opened, and they heard footsteps. "Why are the lights out, Pop-pop?" they heard a typical cracking deepening early teen voice day. "I don't know, Linc. Let's turn them on." Albert said as he flipped the switch on and then... 

"SURPRISE!" Lincoln saw his friends and family pop out of hidden spots. Lincoln had a shocked face. He then had a smile on his face. "Oh... my God... thank you guys so much!" Lincoln said. "You're welcome, koibito." Suziko said. "So, what shall we do, open up gifts or get the cake out first?" Leni asked. "Well, It's Lincoln's birthday, let's let him decide." Ema said. "Well, let's do presents first." Lincoln said. "OOH! Let me get mine first!" Leni said. "Ok, ok, Leni. You can go first." Lincoln said. "Yay!" Leni said as she ran to the kitchen. Lincoln chuckled at this.

After 30 seconds, Leni returned. It was a small gift. "It... may not be the best gift... sorry." Leni said. "Whatever it is, Leni, I'm probably going to still love it." Lincoln said. Leni smiled. As Lincoln opened it, he saw a little book. As he opened the book, it was a bunch of pictures of Leni and Lincoln together over the years. This made Lincoln smile and a little teary-eyed. He then hugged Leni. "I love this so much. Thank you, Leni." Lincoln said. "You're welcome, Linky." Leni said. 

"Now, who wants to go next?" Suziko asked. "Can I go?" Akari asked. "Sure!" Suziko said. That's when Akari went to the kitchen and came back with her gift. It was a little wrapped box. "Here you go, love." Akari said. "Thank you, koibito." Lincoln said. After opening it, Lincoln saw a little bracelet. On the beads it said, "A K A R I + L I N K Y 4 E V E R <3 <3". Lincoln smiled at the beads and said, "Thank you, Akari-girl.". "You're welcome, Lincoln-San. That is not the only gift I have for you." She spoke. "What's the other one?" Lincoln asked. Akari then placed a kiss on his lips. "That's the other gift. Happy birthday, Lincoln-San. I love you." Akari said. "I love you, too, Akari." Lincoln said as he kissed her forehead. 

As Lincoln received his gifts, he loved every single one of them. He got a basketball from Kenji. He got a nun chucks (Yes, real nun chucks) from Yui. He got A new bike + 1,812.47 Yen ($13) from Ema and Albert. Now, it was time for Lucy's gift. 

Lucy was coming out with a gift, but it wasn't wrapped. "Lincoln... this one is very special... you have had him for years and years... but when I was going through the attic... I have found him and now he will be safe in your hands.". She then revealed what it was. It was Bun-Bun! Lincoln gasped. "Bun... bun...?" he said with a smile slowly forming on his face. "Lucy... thank you so much!" Lincoln said as his voice cracked. He then hugged her. Lucy smiled and hugged him back. "You're welcome, Lincoln." she said. As they broke the hug, Suziko asked her son, "Alright, sweetheart, are you ready for some cake?". "Sure, Mama, I'm ready." Lincoln said. "Great! Wait here. Everyone else, follow me." Suziko said. Everyone but Lincoln followed Suziko into the kitchen. Lincoln was confused. After a little bit, he heard a voice, "COME ON IN, LINCOLN!". 

As he walked in, he saw the lights were off. He saw everyone in there and his cake lit up. He heard them singing.

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday to you..."

"Happy birthday, dear Linky..."

"Happy birthday to you..." 

"Now blow them out!" Suziko said. Lincoln wasted no time in blowing them out. "Did you make a wish, sport?" Albert asked. "Yep! I sure did!" Lincoln said. "Now you can cut the first slice." Ema said as she handed him a knife. He took the knife and cut the cake. He had the first slice obviously.

After a while of celebrating and eating cake, everyone went home. It was just Lincoln and Suziko sitting on the couch watching a movie together. "Hey, Mama, how come you didn't get me a gift?" Lincoln said. "Oh, I didn't?" Suziko asked. "Wait here." She said as she got up. 

After a little while, Suziko came back with a wrapped rectangular object. Lincoln was interested. She sat back down with him and gave him the present. "Here you go, koibito. Happy birthday, my love." Suziko said to her son. "Thank you, Mama." Lincoln said. He then started unwrapping the present and it shocked him. "A book on how to speak Polish?!" Lincoln said. "Yep. I remember you talking about how much you wanted to explore your Polish DNA a little more, so I gave you a book for that." Suziko said. "Thank you, Mama!" Lincoln said. 

"You're welcome honey." Suziko said, "I know this day means a lot to you, but you don't know how much it means to me too.". "What do you mean?" Lincoln asked. "What do I mean? Lincoln, It's the day you came into my life! Every birthday you were gone, you don't know how sad I was. You were gone because I was battling a disease. I wish I could've celebrated with you." Suziko said. "It's not your fault, Mama. You were sick. I get it." Lincoln said. "I'm glad you do. I remember holding you in my arms when you were born. I was so happy!" Suziko said, "What was not fun was pushing you out. Now, that was a nightmare. Sheesh!". "Ok, I didn't need to know that much." Lincoln said. "Sorry. Anyway, this day just meant a lot to me because it's the first time in years that I'm celebrating your birthday with you. I'm glad you back in my life, Lincoln. I'm glad you are where you really belong. Over here and not with the blonde bitch." Suziko said. Lincoln laughed at this and said, "Well, it's getting pretty late, Mama. I have to go to bed.". "Alright. Goodnight sweetie. I love you." Suziko said, "And happy birthday.". "Thank you, Mama and goodnight." he said as he kissed his mother's cheek and went upstairs.

Suziko then noticed something. It looked like a few presents she forgot to show him. She checked the labels and saw their names. "From Krysia, Marcel and Liliana. We all love you, Lincoln. <3" one said. "From: Lori." Another said. The last one surprised her. It said, "From: your father.".

To be continued...

End of chapter 66. Hope you all enjoyed!


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