Chapter 38

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Thirty-whole minutes. That was the total length of time my dad spent lecturing Sebastian and me after catching us trying to sneak Sebastian out after he'd spent the night.

Sebastian's face got redder and redder throughout the whole talk. I tried multiple times to explain to my dad that I'd slept on the floor and barely even touched Sebastian, but he seemed to be buying into none of it. Which was arguably, understandable after what he'd walked in on the other day...

My mum, a lot more liberal-minded, made a small attempt at trying to calm my dad by explaining that exploration and sex were a normal part of life, even for teenagers. Though she was just trying to help, it made the situation ten times more humiliating. The last thing any teenager on this planet wants is for their parents to think they are having sex. And I wasn't!

Long story short, Sebastian and I ended up being extremely late for school and I was hardly able to look him in the eye the whole ride there. It was becoming a joke how many people assumed I was having sex with him. I might as well just go through with it at this point. But just to be clear I wasn't - no reality existed where I would have sex with him. No reality at all.


Wednesday afternoon rolled around sooner than I thought it would and instead of driving home like I normally would, I instead got into Sebastian's car. Surprisingly, he was actually the one who'd driven me to school this morning.

He'd asked me the day before if I minded coming home with him to help him look after his little sister while his parents were out for the evening, and for whatever, reason I found myself saying yes. And maybe, deep, deep down, in the incredibly diseased part of my brain, I kind of liked hanging out with Sebastian. Just a teeny, tiny little bit.

After we'd picked little Izzy up from preschool, Sebastian drove the rest of his way to his house. Once we'd arrived, Sebastian lifted Izzy out of the car seat and the two of us headed over to the house. I couldn't help but think that if anyone were to see us, we would kind of look like a little family.

As usual, when Sebastian opened the door, we were met with the sight of their family dog barking at us in excitement while turning around in circles. Sebastian lowered his little sister down to the floor with a smile who immediately started patting the dog.

Then standing back up again, she turned back to face Sebastian with bright warm eyes. "Come, let's play Barbies," she said as she grabbed Sebastian by the hand and started leading him up the stairs.

I let out a light snicker as I saw the very unimpressed look that crossed Sebastian's face at the mention of Barbies. I used to try and get him to play that with me all the time when we were kids, and he hated it then, and it appears he seemed to very much still hate it now.

"Okay, fine," he mumbled. "But only fifteen minutes."

"Fifi, you come too," Izzy called out to me as well.

Little Izzy led us the full way up the stairs and into her pretty pink bedroom. She threw herself down on the floor next to her playbox and started pulling out a large array of different shapes, sizes, and colors of Barbies. I didn't get a proper look, but it looked as though she had fifty in that ginormous box of hers.

Sebastian sat down cross-legged beside her. "Can I not have an ugly one this time?" Sebastian piped up rudely.

I reached across and slapped him on the leg before turning back to Izzy with a smile. "Ignore him, I'm sure all your Barbies are beautiful," I tried to assure her.

"No, they're not. Margret's ugly, that's why I give her to Sebby," Izzy giggled.

"See! I told you she does it on purpose!" Sebastian argued.

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