Chapter 16

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"I'm still waiting on my answer. How is there a baby inside her?" Izabel called out again while staring innocently back up at her brother.

Just as I thought I was recovering from my first mini-heart attack, her words set me off again and I once again nearly passed out.

Finally, Sebastian broke free of his still and wide-eyed state. "I...erm," Sebastian coughed as he sat up uncomfortably on the bed. He looked awkwardly over at his sister. "Well, you see... erm...mummy was a little bit confused, and Phoebe isn't having a baby. We're a little too young for that," Sebastian explained slowly with a gentle yet awkward smile.

"Oh," Izabel said, her lips warping into a frown. "Well, can you hurry up and stick a baby inside her then because I really want to be an auntie."

Once again, I broke out into a manic coughing fit, and stared a pointed look over to Sebastian on the bed, indicating for him to fix this.

Instead of correcting her, Sebastian plucked up a single eyebrow and his mouth slowly slid into a cunning smile. "You know what, Izzy "That's actually a brilliant idea, I can't believe I've never thought of that myself."

Then the bastard had the cheek to look my way. "What do you say, Phoebs? May I put my di- a baby inside you?"

My whole body instantly burned hot with embarrassment, and as I focused in on the wicked gleam in his eye, I knew his earlier little wording 'slip up' was absolutely intentional.

Izabel whipped her head around to face me, and her little eyes lit up. "Oh, yes, please say yes, please," she begged, practically jumping out of her seat in excitement.

I stared back at Sebastian who was clearly trying hard not to piss himself with laughter by pressing his lips together in a tight seal.

He knew full well this had gone too far now - he was literally manipulating his tiny little sister into begging me to have sex with him.

Deciding that two could play the manipulation game, my eyes narrowed. "Actually, yeah you may Sebastian," I answered with a simple smile. "But first, why don't we go downstairs and explain this conversation to your mother."

Sebastian instantly stopped smiling, knowing full well his mother would not take the statement as a joke. "Actually, never mind. We don't need a baby," he said quickly.

"What!" Izabel cried out with a pout. "But I really wanted a baby."

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. "Look, Iz, Phoebe's been very kind to you and offered to do your hair, the least you could do, is not demand she has my baby."

Izabel's face fell a little but she reluctantly nodded her head. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Happy that the baby talk had finally come to an end, I picked her comb back up and went back to combing through the last few sections of her hair.

The room went quiet for a bit as I worked, and the only thing I was attentive to was the prying eyes of Sebastian who was watching me carefully, from his raised position up on the bed.

Just as I was dividing up the hair into sections, Izabel lightly cleared her throat. "So, have you guys ever kissed?" she called out in a curious tone.

Once again, I found myself freezing up at her question.

"No, not yet," Sebastian answered smoothly, barely hesitating in his response.

I lifted my head up to his abruptly. "Yet?" I scoffed my nose wrinkling in disgust. "Is this you threatening to kiss me?"

Izabel giggled lightly, despite the fact my statement was meant as anything but a joke.

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