Chapter 39

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Sebastian and I quickly went over the rules, and we'd come to the mutual agreement that we weren't going to make-out mouth on mouth with one another or do anything that involved removing anyone's clothes.

Well, those rules were mostly constructed on my end. Sebastian had aggressively rolled his eyes the moment I suggested the no-make-out rule, and muttered something rude about me being a 'killjoy.' We also agreed that as soon as the receiving person, reacts by touching the other person back, they lose.

I was confident with these rules in place, I was going to be an undeniable winner. Sebastian wouldn't affect me – not when I was focused.

Still lying down on the bed, Sebastian looked me up and down with a challenging spark in his eye. "Okay, do you want to start or should I?" Sebastian asked with a smile. The look in his eyes scared me a little; he looked far too excited.

I took a second to think before shrugging. "You know, what I'll go first so the game ends faster. I'm sure it won't take me long to get you to lose."

Sebastian plucked up an amused brow, his eyes dipping up and down my body in a way that felt frustratingly flirty. He shouldn't be flirting – it wasn't his go yet. "Wow, cocky, aren't we?" he teased.

I let out a light breath, a victorious one. "It's easy to be when I'm going to win," I stated boldly, my lips and brow both plucking upward. Then turning around from where I'd been sitting on the bed, I crawled my way closer to him.

Still, lying on his side his eyes followed my movement intensely, his smile slipping the closer I came, in a way that was distracting.

Brushing the feeling away, I put my hands on either side of his head and leaned over where he lay till our eyes were aligned and close. I saw his throat sink in sharply as he swallowed, his eyes dancing all around me in a way that left me feeling naked. It excited me in a way that made me embarrassed.

I made a pointed look scanning my eyes up and down his body slowly before returning my eyes sharply back to his. My own pulse was rising, embarrassingly so and I had to beg and plead for it to lower. I was supposed to be the one with control in this situation, but it didn't feel like it.

No matter how hard I tried to convince my brain this wasn't real, his eyes were convincing me of something else entirely.

"Sit up," I ordered. Sebastian smirked up at me before doing as I said by putting his hands underneath him and pushing himself up till his back was up against the headboard.

Without breaking eye contact, I pushed him back against the hardwood of the headboard before throwing my leg over his lap and sitting down on his lap in full straddle. A vibrant awareness shot up my entire body, from my thighs right up to the tips of my fingers that had my stomach rolling. It was something I'd never felt before.

My heart was fully leaping away at this point, at the craziness of what I was doing. There was a time when I never did all this crazy stuff. I never flashed people my boobs, never went swimming in my underwear and certainly never got myself wrapped up in weird seduction competitions. It was like Sebastian had this insane ability to talk me into losing all my common sense.

Sebastian's throat worked over hard as he glanced down at our position and something in his expression seemed to change. His hands made frustrated fists into the covers as a heated breath escaped past his lips. Suddenly it didn't feel like a game anymore.

Unluckily for me, Sebastian still seemed to remember the rules of the game, kept his hands rigidly by his side, and held back from touching me. It was impressive for the likes of someone as pervy as him considering I was literally sitting in his lap.

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