Chapter 60

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Exhaling a light breath, I mindlessly watched the ocean crash and roll against the dark evening sand.

I'd just finished my last bite of food from the picnic, and I was now tucked up underneath a blanket with Sebastian while we listened to some light music from my phone. We'd been chatting mindlessly with each other for about an hour now, or perhaps even more. I'd completely lost sense of time. To further distract me, he had started to trace patterns against one of my knees that I had draped over his leg.

This one hundred percent felt like a date. I knew that and anybody I would describe this to would think that.

I couldn't help but find slight humor at how different things had become in just a short few months. I'd made a pact just to try and get rid of him, and I now that I couldn't have him, I wanted him more than I ever did in my life. It was the irony of life.

"So have you picked your dorm room for college yet?" I asked softly.

"Hmm," Sebastian mumbled. "I'll be sharing with Leon if everything goes to plan," he said while continuing to draw patterns against my leg.

"We could have been sharing if you hadn't so stupidly said no," Sebastian scoffed.

I instantly rolled my eyes while holding back a smile. "They literally don't let you pick a roommate that's of the opposite gender, you literal idiot."

"Yeah, and the rule's stupid," Sebastian mumbled. "It's not like you won't end up in my dorm bed most nights anyway?"

I nearly choked and suddenly sat up straighter at his words. "Excuse me?" I asked, wondering if I'd misheard him.

Sebastian froze and his hand stopped moving against my leg. "I said, it's not like you won't end up working in my dorm room most nights anyway," he clarified. "Because you know, we're likely to study together...," he mumbled with an awkward cough.

Even though I was sure he hadn't said that I nodded. "Oh right...," I said, relaxing a little.

As I finished my sentence, the soft ballad playing out on my phone changed to a more fast-paced Latin-based song.

We listened to it play out for a bit before Sebastian suddenly turned to look at me with a funny look in his eyes. "Come on, I've got an idea." Then without any warning, Sebastian suddenly started kicking off his side of the blanket and started climbing out of the trunk. "I said, come on Phoebe," he urged again, now standing before me.

I plucked up one brow and stared at him for a second or so. Then deciding it best not to argue with the madman, I rolled my eyes and started climbing out after him.

I looked him up and down with an amused smile. "What are you doing?" I mumbled as I came to a stop in front of him.

"I've decided I'm going to do you the selfless honour of teaching you some salsa steps," he suddenly announced.

I immediately backed away. "Oh, hell no," I said shaking my head. "I'm shit at partner dancing. People will genuinely laugh if they see me."

Sebastian's lips lifted higher at this, and he lazily rolled his eyes at me before stepping forward to grab my wrist so he could tow me back towards him. Standing pretty close to me, his eyes fanned over mine with light amusement.

"Relax, drama queen, nobody ever really comes to this part of the beach. Besides, I've seen you dance all the time, and you always look good. You'll be a natural."

"I don't know Sebastian...," I mumbled. "And anyway, didn't you tell me one time ages ago that you were really particular about who you danced with or something?"

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