Chapter 55

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For the last minute or so, the orchestra had been playing one of the main songs from Lord of the Rings, and despite how much I loved the song, I could barely pay attention. How could I pay attention when Sebastian was purposefully being all flirtatious with the girl in front of him?

His hand had remained draped over her shoulder the entire time the orchestra had been playing, and it sickened me. I was half-hoping one of the teachers would come over and tell him off for making a display of himself in the middle of the auditorium.

The temptation to roughly kick the back of his chair was pressing, but I knew that would look childish of me, and Sebastian would think I was jealous. I mean I was jealous, yes, but Sebastian sure as fucking hell didn't need to know that.

Since when did he even like anybody? He never told me he liked anyone. He was such a fucking prick.

Unable to reel in my pangs of jealousy, I turned to Leon. "Who is that girl?" I whispered to him as quietly as I could while nodding my head over to the blonde girl tucked under Sebastian's arm.

Leon shifted uncomfortably, once again. "Erm...I think her name's Stephanie or something; pretty sure Seb fixed her car one time," he whispered back.

That's when I remembered. Stephanie was one of the many girls who had written Sebastian a Valentine's Day card.

I thought he said he didn't like her? What the actual fuck? As I lingered on that thought, Sebastian then decided at that moment to turn around and lock eyes with me again.

This time he literally smiled like he knew he was getting to me; his lips lifting ever so slightly up at the corners.

Then when he turned back around, he slid his hand free from around the girl's shoulders and instead reached into the girl's lap and started playing with her hand in that cute romantic way he does.

That little fucker...

I felt sickened with anger, remembering that's what he'd done to me when we were watching a movie on Valentine's Day. That was our thing! Why the fuck was he doing it with someone else?

As I watched Sebastian's hand delicately play more with Stephanie's hand, I decided at that moment I wanted to kill him. And I wanted to make it hurt.

Then to make it worse, I could see from my angle that he still had a light smile on his face that was almost taunting. It was like he was purposefully trying to rile me up.

While the orchestra continued playing out in the background, I suddenly felt spiteful. At the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that he seemed as though he was trying to get a reaction out of me. As though he wanted me to be jealous. This thought only resulted in me feeling more anger. Deciding then and there if he was going to be a little taunting shit, then two could play at that game.

Without thinking twice, I shuffled closer to Leon and suddenly grabbed his hand. Leon jumped as I clasped our fingers together, swiftly took his eyes off the orchestra, and turned to look at me with wide confused eyes. He looked down at our hands, then back at me. "Erm....what are you doing?" he whispered slowly.

"Just go with it," I whispered back as I tightened my hold on Leon's hand and shuffled even closer to him.

I knew it was pretty unfair to drag Leon into this already uncomfortable situation, but I knew pretending to flirt with Leon would be a pretty effective way to get Sebastian annoyed.

Wanting to take it further, I then proceeded to rest my head against Leon's shoulder in what I hoped looked like a romantic way.

Leon sat very stiffly at this point and kept nervously glancing over to Sebastian. Then rather conveniently, Sebastian decided at that moment to take another look back at me.

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