Chapter 45

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After finishing dinner with the Diaz family, I found myself tucked up next to Sebastian on the sofa while I watched movies with him and his family. Having Sebastian officially back as a friend felt incredibly healing in a way I hadn't fully anticipated.

His teasing didn't stop, of course, but I was far from reminded as it was in all honesty what I'd grown to like about him.

When I saw the clock was approaching eleven, I glanced over at Max who was curled up on the other living room sofa beside Lara. "Do you think it's about time we get going, Max?" I called out.

"Oh right," Max asked, as he sat up on the sofa, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I forgot to tell you but I kind of already agreed to stay the night here with Lara," he said sheepishly.

I shuffled to the edge of the sofa. "Okay, fine, give me your car keys then, I'll drive myself home," I said.

Sebastian's mum immediately snapped her head my way from where she sat on the armchair. "In the dark," she cried. "No way, I insist you stay, we can find somewhere for you to sleep, and I'm happy to call and let your parents know."

Sebastian who'd sat up tall on the sofa upon the mention of me leaving, looked at me with a frown. "Yeah, I agree, I don't want you driving in the dark by yourself," he added backing up his mum.

"Yeah, Fifi, it's dangerous," Izzy also decided to pipe up from where she sat on her little beanbag chair by her dad. Her warning, in particular, made a smile slip onto my face.

I felt like it was a bad time to mention to them that I'd frequently driven in the dark before by myself, so I decided to just keep quiet.

"Well, if you don't mind having me, I guess, I'm happy to stay," I mumbled with a weak smile. However, the only thing running through my head at that moment was where I was going to be sleeping. There were only four rooms, and they were all occupied. I assumed Max was sleeping in with Lara since they were both adults and dating, Izzy only had a small little baby bed which only left Sebastian.

Expecting to feel some kind of apprehension at potentially having to board with Sebastian, I instead experienced the complete opposite feeling, and my heart raced at the prospect.

"Okay, so Sebastian, that means you're on the sofa, downstairs and Phoebe gets your bed. No argument," his father spoke up firmly.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Dad, you know we're not dating, right?"

"So? What does that change? Don't think I don't know exactly what goes on in that head of yours Sebastian," his dad said as he gave him an incredibly pointed look.

"What goes on in his head, Daddy?" Izzy asked with a tilt of his head.

"Shh, Iz just eat some more sweets," their dad said silencing her before pushing the bowl of gummy sweets closer to her.

Feeling mildly embarrassed that his parents were keen to separate us because they assumed Sebastian was going to dick me down or something, I shifted awkwardly on my place on the sofa.

His mum lifted herself off the sofa with a groan. "Okay, come on Izzy let's get you to bed," she said as she took Izabel gently by her hand.

"Sebastian, make sure you sort Phoebe out, okay? Get her some clothes from your sister, and make sure you put in new sheets, okay," she said.

Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, yeah," he mumbled dismissively.

After the departure of Izzy, and Sebastian's mum, the others soon followed her, and Max and Lara, and Sebastian's dad soon trailed up the stairs and up to bed.

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