Chapter 51

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By the time I got home and was back in my bedroom, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I was so on edge. And how couldn't I be after all that had happened tonight? In one night, I'd gone from comforting Ava to watching Sebastian fight someone to then kissing Sebastian, and then to finding out that Ava now liked Sebastian.

Everything had just turned into one giant mess.

After Ava had confessed to me, I decided then and there, to avoid Sebastian for the rest of the night. So, seconds after Ava had finished confessing, I lied about being tired and asked if she could drive me home. I'd sent a quick message on the group chat I shared with Sebastian and Leon that we were heading home, and then without even saying goodbye face-to-face, I left.

I wasn't stupid. If I saw Sebastian before I went, I'd probably be tempted into doing something stupid. And I couldn't be stupid again – not with Ava's feelings on the line.

Taking in a deep breath, I tried to push away all feelings from tonight before crawling my way quietly back into bed.

I had tried to be quiet ever since I got back, not wanting to wake up my parents or my brother. The only thing that could make this night worse was if I got shouted at for sneaking out in the middle of the night.

Just as I was about to throw my phone down onto my nightstand, I felt it vibrate within my hands.

Sliding it unlocked, I quickly glanced down to see who had texted me. My heart jumped as I saw Sebastian's name pop up on the screen.

No. no. no. Why the fuck was he texting me? This was not what I needed right now!

Overcome with panic, I swallowed hard as I wondered what to do. I knew I should ignore it, and just forget about it till morning, but curiosity twisted away at me almost tortuously.

Before I could stop myself, I was clicking on the message and letting my eyes scan over the screen.

Sebastian: I know you're going to hate me for this but, I told you so...

I stared down at the message in confusion, wondering what the hell he was on about. What did he mean, I told you so?

Don't reply, Phoebe. Just ignore it. He's tricking you into interacting with him.

Me: Told me what?

I knew it was a mistake the second I sent it when my phone instantly changed to show he was online before telling me that he was typing. I felt tense for about a second before his message popped in.

Sebastian: I told you that you'd end up kissing me first.

The second I read the message; my face burned as I remembered that he had indeed said that. I'm pretty sure he'd teasingly told me that on three separate occasions. I had rolled my eyes at the idea at the time, but here we were an hour after I stupidly kissed him.

So embarrassed, I decided to quickly ignore the message, but annoyingly that's when another message pinged in.

Sebastian: Also 10/10.

My brows instantly knitted together, wondering what he was going on about this time.

Me: ???

His response came in almost seconds later.

Sebastian: I told you earlier that I was going to rate your nursing skills out of ten. And since I left so satisfied, you get a ten.

I rolled my eyes hard and tried to bite back a smile, knowing he was rating more than just my nursing skills.

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