Chapter 26

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Tapping an agitated pen against the side of my notebook, I willed the math problem on the page below me to spontaneously solve itself. It was four o'clock on a Monday afternoon, and I was lying on my bed with Ava, attempting to get some work done.

Well, I was trying to get some work done anyway. Every twenty seconds or so, Ava would distract me by asking me a new 'fuck, marry, kill' question.

"Erm...," Ava hummed as she struggled to come up with another. Finally, she rolled over to face me on the bed and propped up her head with a hand.

"Actually, can you ask me one? I've asked the past three."

Dragging my eyes up from my book, I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I sighed. I paused as I took some time to think of an interesting one.

I looked back at her with a smile. "Okay, I know I'm going to regret asking, but out of my brother, Jordan, and erm...Sebastian. Who would you fuck, marry kill?" I proposed.

Ava thought for about half a second before speaking. "I guess it's kind of easy, marry your brother, kill Jordan, and fuck Sebastian."

The weirdest feeling ran through my stomach as the words 'fuck Sebastian' ran past her tongue. And for a reason, I couldn't explain, I suddenly felt mad.

I screwed up my face. "Fuck Sebastian?"

"Yeah, why would I not? He's hot, even you can't deny that Phoebs," she said as she shot me a pointed look.

Again, a feeling of anger twisted through my gut.

"Well, looks aren't everything, he's got the personality of a wet-shit. You know full well what he did to me on the Ferris wheel," I ranted off.

"Oh, poor you, tell me more about your torturous ordeal of having a hot guy snuggle himself closer to you in a carriage and teasingly try and kiss you. The horror," she gasped, her voice thick with sarcasm.

I gave Ava an immediate kick with my foot.

"Hey, cut it," she whined.

"Well, stop spreading lies. You know that's not what happened!"

Ava was about to say something else when she was interrupted by the sound of my ringtone. Sliding it out of my pocket, I quickly unlocked it before looking down at the caller ID with a deeply furrowed brow. It was Sebastian.

Knowing how much of a persistent bugger Sebastian could be, I reluctantly pressed answer and put the phone to my ear.

"What?" I asked bluntly, too lazy for pleasantries.

"I'm waiting in the car outside your house, get in," Sebastian ordered simply and rudely through the phone.

Alarmed, I immediately sat straight up in bed and rushed towards my window. And true to his word, I could see one of the Diaz family cars parked near the front of our yard and a vague figure of Sebastian through the driver's side door.

"Erm....I'm pretty sure this is considered stalking," I said as I stared at his figure through the window through deeply concerned eyes.

I could practically feel Sebastian roll his eyes through the phone. "Phoebe, can you stop being annoying and just get in the car," he sighed.

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

"Because I'm taking you on a double date."

Thankfully by the grace of God, I was not sipping a drink when he spoke those words as I would have for sure choked to my death on it from the shock of hearing those words.

I blinked once then twice as I tried to will my brain not to malfunction completely from the absurdity of what he'd just said.

"Hey, erm...I'm not sure where the message was lost, Sebastian but how do I put this...erm...I don't like you," I said bluntly.

The Break Up PactOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora