Chapter 27

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Sebastian instantly snapped his head up and looked over at me in accusation. "What the hell was that? You purposefully distracted me?"

I blinked back at him softly, feigning innocence. "What, do you mean? I was just standing here minding my business," I explained with a sweet smile.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "Am I supposed to believe your top accidentally tugged itself down?" he scoffed as he made a pointed glance down at my still half-exposed chest.

"Well, I was warm," I lied with a small shrug.

Sebastian's jaw locked together hard as he glared me down, clearly putting the pieces together of what kind of game I was playing.

"You know, it's okay to admit that you lost instead of coming up with a silly excuse," I hummed back teasingly.

The look Sebastian gave me at that very moment was the look of someone who wanted to leap across the table and kill me.

Though he looked like he had a lot more that he wanted to say, Sebastian remained silent, and just shot me one final glare before stepping back to let me take my shot.

Happy to finally have a go, I walked around the table and leaned over it so I could line my cue stick with the edge of the ball. Knowing how much I had at stake because of the bet, I mapped the perfect path I wanted the ball to take in my mind. I refused to lose.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, I felt a warm hand guidingly place itself against the small of my back and press me softly deeper into the table.

I immediately jumped in surprise, and it was only by pure dumb luck that I didn't accidentally hit the ball and spin it in a random direction.

"A little lower, you want to make sure your eyes are in line with the ball," Sebastian coached gently from behind me while keeping his hand in place. The slimy bastard knew exactly what he was doing and was trying to play me at my own game.

I immediately straightened myself up and turned around to find Sebastian staring back at me with amused eyes. "Is there a problem?" he asked, smiling away.

I looked him up and down in irritation. "Yes, actually. You're being an ass by purposefully touching me to make me miss."

"I know," he winked. "But it's no more asshole-like than flashing a poor guy your boobs when he's trying to take his shot. Is it?" he argued.

I rolled my eyes. "Grow up. I hardly showed you anything. It's not my fault your primitive brain can't handle a bit of cleavage."

"Well, it's not my fault if your primitive brain, can't handle a gentle guiding touch," he threw back. "And besides, why are you so reactive to my touch, hmm? Are you admitting it does something to you?" Sebastian teased as he playfully placed a hand on either side of me on the table, and stepped forward, till he was startingly closer and blocking me in.

I swallowed hard, under the intensity of having him so close and the feel of him pressing himself closer.

"No," I finally snapped defiantly. "It does nothing to me."

Sebastian lifted a disbelieving brow. "Oh really, is that so?" he said with a smirk as he stepped a little closer. I put a hand on his chest before he could get any closer and lightly pushed him back.

"Yes, it is so. Your touch is the least distracting thing in the world," I scoffed. Then without another word, I turned back around and started to re-position back over the table.

Getting my cue stick re-lined up, I tried to draw all the attention I had to the ball before me, rather than the psychopath behind me.

This time I felt Sebastian purposefully brush my right hip as he leaned over the table beside me. Then clearly trying to piss me off to the highest of degrees, he made sure that every inch of his side was pressed right up against me as he stared me down with an insufferable smile on his face.

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