Chapter 25

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  Once Sebastian had finished changing into his swim shorts, the two of us headed out the door and down the trail to the beach.

He walked a little ahead of me at one point, and I found my eyes drifting over to stare at the tan muscles of Sebastian's naked back contracting and relaxing as he strode on ahead. Swimming had certainly sculpted his body over the years, and even I couldn't deny he looked good.

Once we made it onto the main body of the beach, we spotted Lara, and Max, sharing a beach chair by the bar while my dog Teddy took a quiet nap on the sand. Lara was sitting on his lap, and Max had his arm around her and was talking to her softly.

Already feeling nauseous at the sight, I slowed my pace, not too eager to join them.

Lara lifted her gaze once she saw us approaching. "Oh, hey guys, sorry come sit. Your drinks are on the table," she said, gesturing for us to take a seat beside them.

Sebastian circled his way over to the other available beach chair and flopped down. "It would be a miracle if we can even keep these drinks down, with you guys trying for a baby over there," he scoffed, as he propped up his feet.

Lara stopped playing with my brother's hair briefly to send her brother a daggered look. "Way to be immature," she snapped as she rolled her eyes at him.

Sebastian unbothered, stirred the ice around his lemonade with his straw before taking a sip. I was about to step forward and take a seat when I stopped myself as I realized there weren't any beach chairs around.

Sebastian locked eyes with me with a smile, noticing my predicament almost instantly. "You alright finding a seat there, Brooks?" he taunted.

I gave him a flat look, knowing he was clearly trying to make fun of me.

His eyes seemed to sparkle as they locked in on mine. "There's always a seat here if you want it," Sebastian said, as he leaned back in his chair and gave his lap a double slap.

Knowing it would give him far too much satisfaction to sit on him when I was wearing only a little bikini, I glared him down before storming off in the direction of a beach chair I could see far off in the distance.

Once I got to it, I dragged it in irritation back towards everyone else and half-placed, half-chucked it down near Sebastian.

Still laid back like an asshole on his beach chair, Sebastian's eyes gleamed with amusement at my reaction. "There's no need to get pissy about having to fetch the chair. I did offer you a seat after all," Sebastian unhelpfully piped up.

I scoffed and threw my towel on the chair before angrily flopping myself down. "Well, excuse me for not wanting to feel your tiny dick stabbing me through your shorts for the next couple of hours," I snapped.

Sebastian's smile instantly slide right off his face and he glared me up and down.

"You know full well, I don't have a tiny dick."

"And on that note, Max and I are going to take the dog for a walk," Lara announced abruptly, clearly not all too keen to follow this uncomfortable conversation along. Max who hadn't been listening looked rather confused as Lara stood up and pulled him and the dog in tow.

Ignoring the interruption, I turned back to Sebastian and chuckled. "You know, what they say about guys who get extra defensive about their dick size," I hummed as I flickered my widened eyes down to his crotch.

I was fully winding him up just for the sake of it, and I knew full well nothing was lacking for him in that department. But it was so much more fun to pretend that there was.

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