Chapter 1

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Ignoring the shouts, and chants of the nosy gym hall around me, I cradled my book tighter towards me and smiled.

"Reading smut again, Phoebs?" A voice chirped.

Nearly jumping out of my skin, my book fell clumsily out of my lap and onto the floor with a loud bang. Fan-fucking-tastic. A light giggle emitted from above me.

Swiping my head up, I was greeted with the sight of a vibrant Ava, staring down at me with a cheeky, knowing grin.

Recovering from my shock, I lazily rolled my eyes. "No, Ava, funnily enough, I'm not reading about people dicking themselves done in the middle of cheer practice," I answered flatly.

"Hmm, could have fooled me," she snickered as she flopped herself down onto the floor beside me. Still heaving from over-exertion, she drove a hand through her sweaty blonde hair to smoothen down her bun.

"God, I'm beat," she sighed.

Raising a half-amused brow, I turned to her with a smile. "Really? Was that before or after I saw you and the captain of the swim team, Cody McWhitteny, making out against the lockers?" I asked, giving her a pointed look.

A light blush covered the paleness of her cheeks. "You saw that..," she muttered slowly.

"Yup, for every last butt-grab, and moan, so thanks for that."

She gave me a sheepish smile and bit her lip. "Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to give you a show, I thought we were alone..."

I shook my head with a smile, knowing it was just Ava being Ava. Having been her friend since the age of three, I'd like to think I knew all her amazing qualities. And one of these qualities happened to be her flawless ability to attract any teen male within a five-mile radius. She could get them in the blink of an eye, and get them she did. And boy, was it impressive.

Clearing her throat, she turned to me in excitement. "Anyway, I almost forget to tell you. Cody invited me to a party tonight, wanna come?"

Seconds away from shrugging out a sure, my smile suddenly slipped from my face as I remembered something. "Oh, shit, I can't. I promised my brother I'd be home for the whole of this evening."

She frowned. "Aww, no. Why?"

The corner of my lips pricked up in half amusement. "He's bringing home his new girlfriend," I sang out teasingly. "Poor bloke hasn't been able to shut up about her for weeks, so now he wants me to meet her."

"Oh, really?" Ava muttered, with narrowed eyes.

Knowing where she was going with this, I threw my head back dramatically. "Oh not this again," I groaned.

"Yes, this again," she snapped. "When we were ten, I gave your brother five fucking heart-shaped gummy sweets before asking him to be my boyfriend. And what did he do?" she laughed.

I let out a sigh.

"That's right, he fucking rejected me," she spat.

"Ava, babe, he was seventeen and you were ten, something tells me it was never going to work out. You know, for legal reasons..." I teased.

She paused clearly knowing I had a point before defiantly crossing her arms. "Well, whatever, I'm eighteen now, and he's twenty-five. So it's legal now," she argued.

I was about to propose another argument, but knowing it would likely fall on deaf ears, I gave up. If Ava still thought she had a shot with my very much adult brother, then who was I to change her mind?

"Actually, can I come too?" Ava said after a moment of silence.

"Lol, no," I said quickly.

She frowned. "And why, not?"

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