Chapter 36

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Recoiled back on my living room chair, I popped another grape into my mouth before turning another page in my book. It was a late Monday evening and to pass the time, I'd decided to dig my way through another historical romance after my parents had headed off to bed.

Just as I was getting into it, I felt the repeated buzz of my phone against my thigh. I was tempted to ignore it, but figuring it might be an important call, I fished my phone out of my pocket and glanced down at the caller ID. It was Sebastian.

Incredibly suspicious now, I stared at it for several seconds before slowly pressing answer and putting it up to my ear.

"Yeah, what now, I'm busy," I answered into the phone.

"Phoebe is that you," I heard Sebastian slur into the phone. The sound of his voice instantly filled me with confusion. He sounded sloppy and nothing like himself.

"Erm...yes, you did call my number so naturally it is me," I said flatly.

"I need you here. I'm at a party, and I'm-" he hiccuped. "I think I had too much to drink.

Sitting up straighter, I completely put my book aside, unable to deny feeling concerned. Sebastian was never one to get drunk. At any party I'd ever seen him at, he barely even got near the stuff.

"What party are you at? And who are you with?" I asked as clearly as I could.

"I don't know," Sebastian mumbled stupidly into my phone with a laugh. "I just want you here, because I'm bored, and you're pretty and smell nice."

I blinked rapidly; my cheeks starting to burn at his words. Focus, Phoebe, he's drunk.

"Is Leon there?" I asked as I stood up and started to pace around the living room. "Nope," he slurred. "It's a swim team party."

I paused, recognizing this was a massive clue. If it was a swim team party, there was a highly likely chance that he was at Cody McWhittney's house; the boy Ava had gone out with on Valentine's. He was the head of the swim team, and he was constantly throwing parties.

"I think I know where you are, don't move," I said quickly.

While Sebastian mumbled something incoherently from the other side of the phone, I hung up and quickly marched to the door and fished my key out by the little tray I kept it in by the window.

It didn't take long, and ten minutes later, I found myself pulling into a space a couple houses down from what appeared to be a moderately sized four-bedroom home. Once I'd locked up the car, I started on my walk towards the door of the home.

Stopping short of the door, I quickly rang the doorbell, and a handful of seconds later, the door swung open to reveal a freckled blonde-haired boy with a beer in his hand that I instantly recognized as Cody McWhittney. His face put a bad taste in my mouth after hearing how disgusting he'd acted on his date with Ava.

His brow lifted in surprise as he looked me up and down with a smile. "Oh Phoebe, I wasn't expecting you at the party. But by all means, come in," he said, staring at my chest more than me as he spoke.

"I'm not here to stay, I'm here to get Sebastian. Where is he?" I asked bluntly.

Looking more amused, he looked me up and down. "What are you his little babysitter girlfriend? He's fine, he just completed his little initiation that's all," he shrugged, with an easy smile.

An initiation? What the fuck was he supposed to do?

"Well, fine or not, I want to see him. Where is he?" I repeated, a little harsher now.

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