Chapter 37

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Quietly opening the front door to my home, I gently pulled a still-stumbling Sebastian in behind me before shutting the door softly behind us. "

Why are we at your house?" Sebastian asked. Annoyingly for me, drunk Sebastian decided to speak that question incredibly loudly.

"Shh," I whispered to him. His brows knitted together, in a cute-like matter. "Why are you-"

Officially fed up with him, I slapped a hand across his mouth, to prevent him from talking. He was not getting me in trouble, godamn it. If my dad walked in and saw me trying to sneak in Sebastian of all people during the dead of the night, all hell would break loose. He was already giving me enough snide comments about Sebastian as it was.

With my hand still clasped around Sebastian's mouth, I walked behind him while gently nudging him over to my staircase. It became a great struggle since Sebastian was quite a bit taller than me, but I managed to get him up the stairs with my hands still vaguely resting over his lips. I could feel vibrations against my hand as he tried to talk through it.

"Shh," I whispered again.

Moving as carefully as I could, I walked gently across the upper landing of my house and over to my room at the far end of the corridor.

Once I'd got us both in, I closed the door gently behind us before letting out a sigh of relief. I'd made it to my room at least. Finally dropping my hand from over Sebastian's mouth, I looked around my room as I quickly tried to think what to do next.

Sebastian let out a hiccup. "Are we having a sleepover Phoebe?" he asked as he double-blinked at me.

Smiling slightly at the weirdly cute way he seemed to look when drunk, I nodded my head. "Yeah, I suppose we are," I mumbled.

Glancing over to the bed, I paused wondering whether I should sleep in the bed beside him or not. It seemed like the easiest thing to do but at the same time, I didn't want him waking up sober the next morning and thinking I took advantage of him or something.

While Sebastian was lightly mumbling a song to himself, I made my way over to the bed and chucked a pillow and a couple of my blankets onto my floor as a makeshift bed for myself.

Once done, I went back to Sebastian and gently grabbed his hand once again. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

"I'm not ready," Sebastian mumbled, slurring over his words.

Pushing Sebastian gently on his chest, so he'd sit down, he fell clumsily backward onto my bed.

Giving him a quick once-over, I realized he probably needed to change before getting under my covers. There was no doubt in my mind that drunk Sebastian had left all kinds of dodgy sticky patches all over his clothes.

"Come on, you need to take off your shirt and pants," I said, in the hopes that he'd be able to complete the task himself.

He hiccuped. "Stop trying to get me naked...," he chuckled.

Ignoring him, I sighed. "Sebastian, come on you need to take them off for bed," I urged, sounding worryingly like a mother looking after their small little child.

Sebastian started fumbling for the end of his shirt but failed altogether in so much as lifting it past his stomach.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned over him and pulled his hand off, realizing I was going to have to just do it myself. "Arms up," I said as I started tugging his shirt up his torso. Sebastian completely in another world, just blinked back at me.

With a sigh, I grabbed his hand and lifted it up so I could successfully pull one arm out of his top. Once done, I let his arm flop back down again before going for the other. At this point, it was hard to keep my eyes off the toned muscles of his chest, and I felt embarrassed at myself. Once I'd lifted and pulled his other arm free from his shirt, I pulled the last bit over his head.

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