Chapter 19

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Sebastian Diaz was pissed. In fact, pissed might be too light a description for how irritated Sebastian was at having to bring the pervy little monstrosity that was Austin back to his house.

We'd arrived at Sebastian's house about five minutes ago, and, at that time, Austin had decided to settle himself in front of the living room TV like he owned the place.

Seeming to have given up on caring, Sebastian just rolled his eyes. "Whatever let's just hang in my room," he sighed as he started to ascend the stairs.

Blaire and Leon likely quite used to coming to his house, followed him easily enough but I hung back, feeling kind of awkward. I mean how could I not feel kind of awkward when they were all friends. I was just the weird outsider who was only there because Sebastian wanted to play nurse.

"Erm...maybe I'll just hang out in the kitchen," I called out, coming to a stop at the end of the stairs.

Sebastian stopped halfway up his ascent up the stairs and turned back to face me and frowned. "What? No, get lost. Get up here, and rest your ribs. And besides, do you want to stay downstairs and hang out with Mr ten-year-old creep down there?" he scoffed.

I paused upon his words, realizing he had a fair point with the second half of his statement. So, without saying a word, I rolled my eyes and started climbing the stairs in submission.

Once we'd reached the top of the stairs, Sebastian led everyone down the hall and kicked open the door to his room.

As I was the last one to enter, I closed the door softly behind me before turning around to inspect the place. It had been five years since I'd last set foot in it and things had certainly changed. In the small space of his bedroom, he'd managed to keep everything immaculate, with storage shelves and bookcases lining the back wall. They were filled beautifully and creatively with an array of interestingly arranged photos, knickknacks, and old swimming medals.

To the other side of the room, was a small but comfortable-looking single bed, stacked up with a few novelty cushions. And in the other corner, was a small but functional desk with a laptop poised on the surface. Overall, I couldn't help but feel oddly impressed as I surveyed what I hated to admit was a beautiful room.

"God, how is your room never fucking messy?" Blaire said as she flopped herself down on a bean chair.

"Perhaps, because he knows what a hoover is," Leon retorted sassily as he joined his sister on the


Still lost in a daze staring around the room, I barely processed Sebastian watching me till I met his eyes through the reflection in the mirror.

"You can lie down on my bed if you want," he offered, nodding his head behind him. I searched for the hint of a joke, but there was none to be found. He was genuinely offering.

"Erm...-" I started, struggling for words.

"Don't worry, Phoebe, he's cleaned the sheets since he last jerked off in them," Blaire called out with a cackle.

Sebastian tore his eyes off me and grabbed a pillow off the bed to chuck at a still giggling Blaire. "Ignore her," he mumbled quickly as he turned back to face me. "But I can you know...change the sheets if you want to. I mean I've only slept in them twice since I last washed them, but-"

"No, it's fine," I said, the words flying surprisingly quickly out of my mouth. Making my way slowly over to the bed, I was about to lower myself down onto it when I paused.

"Wait," I said, turning back his way. "You haven't brought anyone home since you've washed these in the past two days....right...," I asked, eyeing him warily. I had to hold back my gag reflex as the disturbing image of Sebastian hooking up with some girl flashed through my mind.

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