Chapter 40

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Tilting my head, I did a third scan over all the various coloured night tops and slippers that lined one aisle of the sleepwear section of the clothes shop.

It was an early Saturday afternoon, and I'd decided to go out to the mall to fill up odd bits of clothing I'd been running low on. I'd tried to invite Ava along but strangely enough, she wasn't interested. Apparently, she'd barely gotten out of her room this morning because she'd been so preoccupied with texting the number of that Valentine's secret admirer of hers.

She'd been distracted all week. Anytime I went to talk to her, nine times out of ten she was holding her phone in her face with a silly smile on her face. I couldn't deny it was cute. It was getting more and more tempting by the day to just straight up ask Leon if it was him.

Picking up a pair of cute frilly little socks from the shelf, I dropped them into my trolley before turning to head in the opposite direction.

I barely emerged into the aisle before my eyes locked on Sebastian scouring his eyes over what I believed to be a set of duvet covers in the corner.

He stood tall, and sharp in a smart black bomber jacket and jeans while staring in concentration at the shelves before him as he likely tried to make his decision.

My heart raced in panic, and I quickly moved behind a shelf, so I was out of his eyeline. I was panicked because I was supposed to be avoiding Sebastian this weekend. The amount of time I'd been spending with him lately was starting to become unsettling, and it was really starting to confuse where we stood with one another.

Slowly edging back closer to the corner of the aisle, I slowly peeked my head around the corner to sneak another look at him out of nosiness. That's where I saw to my confusion that he was gone. What the fuck? How did he go so fast?

"You going to come over and say hi?" A voice whispered near my ear. I jumped and immediately spun around.

My eyes immediately met with a highly amused-looking Sebastian, laughing lightly as he observed my reaction.

I put a hand over my racing heart and breathed a sigh of relief. "What the hell Sebastian, you scared the shit out of me!" I cried.

"Well, I wasn't the one who told you to spy on me like a creep," he teased. My face burned hot, realizing he had noticed. "And besides, I already saw you like five minutes ago, I just wanted to see if you'd say hi first," he snickered as he looked me up and down with light amusement.

I again, paused in slight embarrassment, realizing he'd clearly just observed my entire reaction.

"What are you even shopping for anyway?" Sebastian asked as he glanced down at my basket.

"You know...just some new socks, and odd bits for my wardrobe," I shrugged, purposefully keeping my answer vague. "Why, what are you shopping for?" I probed.

"Just for some new pillowcases for my mum, but I'm pretty much done now," he explained as he nodded his head down to his basket.

He glanced back up at me. "I might as well help you pick stuff out. What'd you need next?" he asked.

I immediately paused, knowing I was supposed to be heading for the Lingerie section next. Buying some bras and panties was pretty much the main reason I'd even gone to the store in the first place.

"Erm...nothing interesting. How about you just wait for me at the checkout, I won't be long," I rushed out quickly.

Sebastian gave me an odd look and then3 shook his head. "Nah, I think I'd rather just come and help you shop, to be honest," Sebastian replied rather unhelpfully.

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