Chapter 15

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Mrs. Diaz snapped a murderous and accusatory look over to her son. "You got her pregnant!" She cried.

Sebastian finally snapping out of his frozen-like stance, started rapidly shaking his head back and forth. "No, no, no, mum. You do not understand. These aren't for us. I haven't done anything to Phoebe, I swear we-"

"I said kitchen, both of you, now," she hissed.

Her voice left little room for argument and left with no other choice, Sebastian swallowed nervously before submissively starting to trail his way toward the kitchen door.

Widening my eyes, I took a step forward, in an attempt to rectify the situation. "Look, Mrs. Diaz-"

"Follow him," she snapped, completely cutting me off. I opened my mouth, then swiftly shut it again when I saw the intensity of the glare she was directing my way. It was one that a sane person knew not to mess with.

Ducking my head, I quickly followed the way Sebastian went.

The minute I entered the kitchen I found a visibly stressed-looking Sebastian, leaning up against a kitchen chair, all wide-eyed and pale.

Seconds later, the door slammed viciously shut, and turning around, I was met with the disturbing site of Mrs. Diaz starting to pace back and forth like a crazy woman. Rubbing her temples frantically, she started to shout out long monologues of Portuguese in a fit-like fashion. I hadn't an idea what she was saying, but with how freakishly still Sebastian stood, I could guess it wasn't something pretty.

Finally, she stopped and swerved her head around to face us. "How did this happen! How?" She snapped while lifting the pregnancy kit to emphasize her point.

Sebastian let out a long groan and threw his head back. "Mum, if you would just listen to me. It's not-"

"Why in heaven's name were you not wearing protection? I thought I raised you better than this," she interrupted.

Sebastian, clearly stunned, stared off at her speechlessly. Then before he got a chance to speak, she continued.

"I am too young to be a grandma, Sebastian, too young," she hissed. "How dare you be so irresponsible. For goodness' sake, I didn't even know you were dating Phoebe," she cried out in a bitter laugh as she turned to face my direction.

"I mean, I should have guessed. You always did follow after her like some kind of lovesick puppy," she muttered out to herself, in a kind of bitter hysterical laugh.

Sebastian frowned. "What the hell? No, I didn't," he snapped quickly.

His mum looked like she was about to continue ranting away before she was interrupted by the sound of the kitchen door. Turning to face it, I saw my brother; Max stroll in, accompanied by a smiling and laughing Lara. Their laughter died down as soon as they saw us.

"Oh, hey Phoebe, I didn't know you would be here," Lara chirped politely. "What's going on?" She asked as she looked around at the three of us.

It was at that moment, Lara's eyes landed on the pregnancy test in her mother's hand. Then almost immediately, her face went ghostly white. "Oh my can't be...," she whispered, as she looked back and forth between Sebastian and myself.

It didn't take a genius to realize she had clearly landed on the same conclusion as her mother.

Max stepped forward with a furrowed brow. "I'm confused. What's going-"

His eyes fell to the small blue box and for several seconds he just stared at it before a muscle in his jaw locked.

Locking eyes with me, his eyes shone with panic before he spared a frantic look over to Lara. "God, we never should have let them share a room," he cursed.

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