Chapter 23

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Sebastian looked around at the four of us with an arrogant smile. "Okay, so who wants to spin first?"

After agreeing on the rules of the game, Sebastian placed an empty coke bottle in the center of the table, all ready to be spun. We had decided to work on the common principle that whoever the bottle landed on was the person who was up next for a dare.

And to add further fuel to the fire, we'd added a rule that if you forfeit a challenge then every player gets to draw, stick, or shave anything they want from your face or head. So essentially, the stakes were very fucking high.

"I don't mind going first," Ava said immediately as she eagerly sat up straighter beside me with a smile.

Her enthusiasm and the sly look she gave me, only had me feeling more anxious. I had played similar games with Ava before, and she could be absolutely ruthless with her dares. She always seemed to be able to formulate the most anxiety-inducing things for somebody to do.

Since nobody objected to her taking the first turn, Ava leaned over the coffee table and gave the empty glass bottle a firm swirl with her hand.

It whizzed around twice, three times before slowing on the fourth. Then finally, it came to a final perfect stop in front of Leon sat on the armchair.

Leon immediately shifted with discomfort before looking over at Ava while blinking rapidly.

Blaire snorted. "Well, this should be good," she said as she looked between her brother and Ava with far too amused-looking eyes.

Leon rubbed the back of his neck while continuing to shyly maintain Ava's gaze. "Is there any chance of easy on me?" he asked with a light but audibly nervous laugh.

"No promises," Ava replied black softly, her eyes shimmering with playfulness. Narrowing her blue eyes into perfect little slits, Ava tilted her head as she tried to decide what to dare him.

Blaire interrupted the silence, with a snort. "Trust me, Ava, babe, you don't have to be that clever to think up one for him, he's likely to be scared of ninety percent of whatever you'd ask of him. In freshman year, he literally nearly had a heart attack just because he had to kiss a girl on the cheek for the school play,"

Leon's eyes flew open, and he threw Blaire a stressed-filled look. "Blaire, shut up, what the hell?" he gritted out.

"Oh, do you not like girls or something? Is that why you didn't do it?" Ava asked politely, while absentmindedly playing with a bit of her hair.

Turning back to face her, Leon immediately shook his head. "No, no, that's not it," he rushed out quickly, clearly desperate to rectify any possibility of his crush thinking he was gay.

So, you've kissed girls before?" Ava asked him boldly, still blinking back at him softly.

" I mean, not exactly. Well... I mean no," Leon finally admitted, stuttering over his words. While Blaire and Sebastian tried not to laugh, Leon's face contorted in further embarrassment.

"Oh, right fair enough. Are you saving it for someone special or something?" Ava continued with a smile.

Adjusting his glasses out of nervousness, he squirmed in position. "Erm...not exactly, no...," Leon said.

"Hmm, interesting," Ava murmured, seeming far away in thought. Though Ava was my best friend I had absolutely no idea why she had decided to go into such a side track by asking him all these questions.

"Okay, I think I've got my dare then," Ava finally said, her lips spreading wider. "Kiss me," she stated boldly.

The expression that swiftly took over Leon's face was nothing short of comical. His eyes were practically popping out of his skull, and he had the look of someone whose soul had temporarily left their body.

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