Chapter 34

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Groaning, I tried to overarch my spine so I could get a better stretch as I walked.

"Your back still hurting?" Ava asked in concern from beside me.

"Umm, yeah but hopefully I can just sleep it off," I mumbled. We had just come from cheer practice and were now walking or in my case hobbling our way down the empty school corridors to get to the school parking lot.

During a failed stunt, I got the wind absolutely knocked out of me when a spotter failed to catch me and now, my back was paying the price. It was the curse of cheer.

"Anyway, enough about your back, how was your valentine date last night? I didn't get a chance to ask you?" I asked Ava curiously.

She let out a scoff. "It was absolutely awful. Cody spent the entire dinner talking about himself, and when it was time to leave, he snapped at me because I didn't want to come back to his house to have sex with him. He's such a pig, I don't even know what I ever saw in him."

My nose immediately wrinkled in disgust. "Eww, what the fuck is wrong with him?"

"I wish to god, I knew so I can avoid someone like that in the future," she laughed bitterly. "I always seem to have the habit of picking the worst guys."

I remained silent, knowing I one hundred percent agreed with her. When she wasn't fantasizing over my completely age-inappropriate twenty-five-year-old brother, she was chasing after some insensitive jock.

"Anyway, I won't ask how your night went," Ava commented with a snort. "Getting caught wrestling Sebastian in your undies must have been quite the experience," she teased. She'd been mocking me about it constantly since I texted her last night.

"Oh god don't even remind me," I groaned, feeling parts of my brain contort and shrivel at the memory.

"What did your brother, and Lara do when they found you?" Ava asked with a laugh.

"Well, they yelled at us, and when we tried to explain that we weren't doing anything, they just didn't seem to quite believe us. The whole thing was just so humiliating," I groaned.

Ava turned to me with a smile. "You know what I still don't get? I still don't get why Sebastian was at your house for most of the evening when he was supposed to be on a date."

"Yeah...I still don't get it myself either...," I mumbled. "I tried to ask him multiple times, but he just kept dodging all my questions," I snapped, as I pushed my way through the school doors.

Ava's lips twitched and she seemed as though she was about to suggest something annoying when she suddenly stopped herself as she looked off into the distance. "Well, speak of the devil," she smiled.

Following her line of sight, I was surprised to see Sebastian patiently leaning against the bonnet of my car while texting away on his phone.

"I'll catch up with you later Phoebs," Ava said with a parting wave before heading off toward the opposite end of the parking lot.

Sebastian must have heard me coming as he lifted his head up in my direction as I approached. As usual, the dark curls of his jet-black hair were wet as though he'd just come from swim practice and as his eyes locked with mine, I noticed them seem to lighten.

"Any reason, you're still waiting creepily by my car," I joked as I came to a stop before him.

Sebastian shot me a flat look, one that humiliatingly made my stomach jump. "Ha, funny," he said drily. "But no, seriously, I was hoping to get a lift back to yours. I think I forgot my jacket at yours last night."

I instantly went silent knowing he had truthfully left his jacket by the side of my pool last night. The only problem was I had no intention of returning it. A big, oversized jacket that smelled nice could do great as pajamas.

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