Chapter 9

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Resting lazily against the hood of my car, I briefly looked up from my book to give another scan around the parking lot. It was about five or so minutes after school, and instead of driving straight home like I wanted to, I stood patiently waiting for a psychopathic man-child to grace me with his presence.

Or, as he's commonly known, Sebastian Diaz.

After Blaire has eased up on her teasing at lunch, Sebastian and I managed to discuss our first strategy for breaking up our siblings. The plan was simple really. Since we knew Lara was visiting Max at my house this evening, Seb and I were going to drive to my house and plant a girlish item somewhere on my brother's bed. Then, boom, when Lara came over this evening, she'd be full of questions and suspicion. It was almost fool-proof.

I could arguably carry it out by myself, but Sebastian insisted he be there for the 'construction of the operation' because apparently, he didn't trust me to set up a scandalous enough scene. He was honestly the definition of stupid.

Rolling my eyes at the mere thought of him, I glanced back down at my book and once more, let my mind get wrapped up between the pages.

"Yo, Brooks," A voice called out.

Snapping my book shut, I lifted my head. To absolutely no surprise, I found Sebastian a few meters away and walking towards me with a conniving little smile on his face. Leon, who was standing beside him, gave me a shy smile and wave before ducking his head and making his way quickly down the car park.

I smiled a little at his cuteness as I tucked my book into my bag. I barely noticed Sebastian was by my side until his hands were suddenly thrust into my jean pockets.

"Hey," I yelled as my head struck upward.

Immediately, my eyes zeroed in on my car keys that were in his hand. "That was in my pockets...," I stammered out dumbly.

"Yeah, and I just took it," he shrugged. Then turning around, he unlocked the car door with a little resounding click before trotting his way over to the driver's side.

Did this idiot think I was going to let him drive my car?

He barely got the door open a crack before I slammed it back shut. "You are not driving my car," I hissed. Then before, he got a chance to argue, I snatched my car keys from his hands and shoved my way past him to get into my car.

As I settled myself into my seat, Sebastian made a dramatic show of rolling his eyes before making his way around the bonnet of my car and over to the passenger seat.

I felt the wind on my face as he opened the door. "Tut, tut, tut, Brooks, already upsetting your car guest," he sighed as he buckled himself in.

Sliding my keys into place, I let out a bitter-filled laugh. "Yeah, that's kind of what happens when your car guest is an obnoxious ass."

Unbothered by my comment, Sebastian just quirked up an eyebrow and said nothing in response.

As I peeled out of my spot, Sebastian let a loose smile spread over his lips. "So, a Mercedes Benz, huh? That's what daddy got you?"

My fingers tightened a little further around the steering wheel, furious that he was making me sound like a spoilt little daddy's girl. I arguably was, but he didn't have to be rude enough to say it.

"Yes," I spat tightly.

"Makes sense, I guess," he murmured.

Luckily for me, he went quiet for the next couple of minutes, but that silence was soon interrupted by the sound of light rustling. I ignored it at first, but as it got louder, frustration ate away at me, and I finally snapped my head his way.

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