Chapter 4

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Despite all effort, I'd put into my earlier rant, I reluctantly led the monster; or as he's otherwise known, Sebastian, up into the upper level of our house.

The moment I swung open the door to my bedroom, Sebastian rudely pushed his way past me and strutted in like he owned the place. And, yes, I mean strutted.

Once we were in, Sebastian did a slow turn and inspected all four corners of my room. "Holy crap, your room is big," he whistled as he started to wander the room.

Feeling a little self-conscious; I gave a small shrug. "It's alright," I murmured as I hung back by my desk.

"Alright?" he laughed, sending a look my way. "I think, it's a little more than alright, you could genuinely lose someone in here."

Soon enough, he wandered over to my bedside table, I watched with narrowed eyes as he rudely pulled open a drawer.

I immediately rushed over to him in anger. "Hey, what are you doing?" I snapped.

He looked at me with a cheeky grin. "Oh, nothing," he shrugged. "Just looking for where you keep your vibrators, and sex toys,"

Feeling my face flame red, I slapped his hand away sharply. "There, aren't any," I hissed.

He pulled his hand away. "Oof, we're very touchy today, princess, aren't we?"

Ignoring him, I shoved him away from my draw before slamming it shut. "Just don't touch anything, else!"

Standing up straight, I found Sebastian staring at my bed with his head tilted in confusion. "Erm...Phoebe....Why is there a clothed rat on your bed?" he sang.

Furrowing my brows, I followed his line of sight. Once I saw what he was referring to, I aggressively rolled my eyes. "That's my dog, you idiot. She's a Yorkshire terrier, not a rat, and she's called Teddy," I huffed. Then reaching out for her, I cradled her in my arms while she yapped happily away.

Sebastian lifted a brow. "And that explains why you dressed her up like an idiot because...," he sang.

"Because she's cold!" I snapped.

Sebastian lifted his brow higher, but luckily for me, chose not to comment. However, that didn't stop me from hearing him mutter under his breath about how 'he'd rather drop dead than let his dog leave the house looking like that.'

As I internally seethed with rage, Sebastian took it upon himself to wander closer to my bed before diving down onto it belly first.

"Hey," I shouted out immediately.

Dropping little teddy to the floor, I marched my way fiercely over to him. I got there just in time, to watch him roll over onto his back so he could look up at me with a radiantly smug smile. Then taking the piss, he tucked both his hands behind his head; all while smiling up at me.

"Get up!" I ordered. "Now!"

He stared up at me defiantly, with a wicked gleam shining throughout his eyes. "Make me," he smirked.

"Eww no, I'm not going to touch you," I said, my nose wrinkling in disgust.

He shrugged. "Great, then, I'll just fart on your bed, I guess," he winked.

Completely freezing, my eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't..."

There was a moment of silence, and then a resounding toot sound echoed in the air.

"Oops," Sebastian whispered. That was all it took for something in me to turn and I no longer saw Sebastian laid out on my bed; I only saw a monster who I wanted to mercilessly club to death.

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