Chapter 52

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After all the laughter and conversation eased up, Sebastian and I finally decided to leave the closet and make our way down to lunch.

I cleverly made Sebastian leave the supply closet a few seconds before I left as to not raise suspicion to whoever might be around. The last thing I needed was someone I knew to spot me leaving with Sebastian and get rumors to start flying around.

Once I'd finally left the supply closet, I found Sebastian leaning against the lockers a few meters in front of me.

I quickly made my way over to him, and I watched as he shook his head at me with a light smile. "This is so stupid, we literally could have left at the same time," he laughed with a roll of his eyes as he pushed himself off the lockers.

I threw him a dry and unimpressed look. "It's not stupid, you know how easily rumors spread around here. The last thing I need is more people talking about how you knocked me up in the boy's locker room again," I scoffed.

Sebastian's smile slowly slipped, clearly knowing I had a good point.

Once we got to the cafeteria, the two of us quickly collected our food from the lunch line before turning around and making our way down the normal path to Sebastian's lunch table.

In the distance, I could spot Leon, Blaire, and Ava already sitting around the table tucking into their food.

My eyes drew to Ava's in particular though, or more specifically her clothes. Normally Ava wore tight fashionable clothing that accentuated her curves and lines but today she seemed to have adopted the complete opposite kind of look.

She had drowned herself in a big oversized red hoodie that I was pretty sure belonged to her dad and an old pair of sports leggings. Even more weirdly, she had no make-up on whatsoever, which was practically unheard of for Ava.

If anyone else was to come into school similarly dressed, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but for Ava to dress that way was just odd.

I placed my tray down gently across from her and cleared my throat. "Hey, everyone," I said in greeting as I slid into my seat. I made eye contact with Ava in particular and noticed her greeting smile was slightly weak.

Leon and Blaire nodded at me in greeting and mumbled a hey at Sebastian as he slid into the seat beside me.

I stiffened slightly as I felt Sebastian accidentally brush the left side of his arm and leg against me as he took his seat.

He, of course, had to take a place directly beside me just to torture me. When he finally settled into his chair, he annoyingly kept his leg pressed up against mine, further distracting me. It was like he wanted to keep it there as a permanent reminder of how good it felt to touch him. It was cruel – that's what it was.

"Hey, Av, you alright?" Sebastian said softly as he threw Ava a gentle smile.

Ava immediately sat straighter and quickly met Sebastian's smile with a bright one of her own. "Yeah, I'm doing great, thanks, Seb," she mumbled.

Sebastian as expected was completely oblivious to how adoringly Ava was looking him up and down, and just started tucking into his food.

God, boys were such idiots...

I noticed Leon glance at Ava in concern, and I only felt more annoyed. If Leon just grew some balls and asked Ava out, she wouldn't be all confused, and think she liked Sebastian. It was obvious that she only liked Sebastian because he'd beat up someone who'd been a dick to her. Leon was the one who she actually had a bond with.

Blaire cleared her throat. "So, I hear you guys all decided to act like snakes, by sneaking out to a party last night and failing to invite me," she piped up sassily.

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